I [M] Sat Next To A Stranger [F] On A Redye

took a late night flight home from visiting family, it was one of those super budget tickets that didn’t allow you to select a seat or bring a carry on. Get to the airport im assigned a middle seat all the way in the back of the plane, being tall i was ready for an uncomfortable 3 hours. Make my way to the back of the plane and i see im seated between two women, the woman sitting to my right (window seat) was an older lady who was on her phone the entire team when she wasnt sleeping. woman to my left (aisle) was a hot looking asian woman probably in her 30s. now across the aisle sitting next to her is a man, either her husband or boyfriend.

Her: she was wearing some comfy pants/tshirt and an oversized denim jacket. First thing i noticed was her amazing blonde hair. really pretty eyes. she was probably 5’1 and very petite.

Me: 6’2, dark hair dark eyes, athletic and fit was wearing a t shirt and sweats.