4 years ago when I was working as a lowly analyst I had to present financials for a company we’re acquiring. The audience were all VPs and Chiefs of the company.
Right after the presentation I received a message from our chief marketing officer saying that I did a good job and she wanted to have a 1:1 with me to get to know me better and collaborate.
We got coffee and the conversation turned into her marriage and how she’s been having problems with her partner.
Soon after, the vibes were very clear that she wanted it. We would sneak out at lunch and head back to my place to hook up. She was in her mid-40s and what a pro she was…..
One day after a company happy hour the both of us were just talking and she introduced me to the VP of customer support. They both whispered that they’ve been wanting to have a threesome, and so we did!
What an amazing experience!