[FFFM] What if, after well over a decade of close friendship, you had your dick sucked by all three women in your friend group at the same time? This happened to a guy in our group

No, he didn’t try to make it happen.

Yes, it was a complete surprise for him.

Not just a surprise because it was organized it to be a surprise, but a shock because we are quite sincerely the last people on earth you’d ever expect to do something like this, out of character doesn’t even begin to describe it. And there was no hint, no indication, no nothing, in his long long time knowing us, that this would happen. Yet it did.

He is one of four guys in the friend group, yet this happened to only him: all three women in the friend group licking and sucking his dick simultaneously, literally all three lips and tongues all over his cock at the same time.

I’d love to get your reactions to this, and chat with you about what happened! So send me a message if you can.

[Group] One of our friends is about to experience a month of miracles

The hottest month of his entire life, and he has no fucking idea.

We’re part of a very close group of friends, and we’ve all been friends since early high shcool, for over 15 years now. We were the nerdy group going through high school, so we’ve never been ones to do anything wild, we don’t really drink, we CERTAINLY don’t do drugs. We’re just a very normal, intelligent, successful group of people with very functional and upper middle-class lives. Everything is very stable.

In the main group, there are three girls and four guys. In the extended group, there are a few more guys, and two other women – we are very close with this extended group of people as well, no less close really, they just have other friend groups they sometimes split their time between.

One of the guys in our group is extremely shy and nerdy – we’re actually a very nerdy group in general, but he is the most by far, and definitely the most socially awkward. He still lives with his parents, after all this time, and he mostly sits inside playing video games all day. He doesn’t have too much of a life outside of this. He’s never had a sexual experience in his life.

[Group] I make celebrity miracles happen for unsuspecting guys

So basically, I’m someone who organizes private surprises for totally unassuming, unsuspecting, regular guys, usually young, shy and nerdy guys who otherwise don’t have much luck. I organize for them to meet two or more celebrities, and the surprise those celebrities spring on him is usually a multi-girl blowjob, ie two or more celebrities sucking him off simultaneously, completely out of the blue from his perspective.

This isn’t common, but I’ve developed a reputation, very private one, of making it happen. It’s sort of a charity thing, and some celebrities are like me and get a rush from watching someone lose their fucking MIND because something that should be impossible is happening to them. The security is in that no one will ever believe them. Pictures strictly forbidden. The guys in each case have only thought they were MEETING these women, no idea what would actually happen to them.

If you’d like to hear more about this, send me your initial reaction to all this, and we’ll talk. I’ll try to get to every message but please forgive me if I’m not able.