[FM] almost did anal w/ my bf the other night!

so its as the title says, but im gonna start from the beginning..

when my bf got home after work, he came to see me in the kitchen, i had a long evening of doing chores and so i had my hair up in a way i wouldnt normally, to my surprise he really really liked it!
he kept telling me how nice i looked n i could tell right away that he wanted to bang:3 on top of that i was wearing this.. very high quality (fitting) crop-top sweater, its pink and *very* soft, possibly some kind of wool? i also had my makeup done from earlier that day.. so i knew he had plenty to look at. i told him that by the time he’s out of the shower I’d be done cleaning, and I’d meet him in the bedroom… but it was so exciting the way he was looking at me, we kept giving one another little kisses between talking. it was very passionate. partially cause, before his shower.. we cant TOUCH (he was dirty from construction soot(sut?) n whatnot, on top of just being a mess, it irritates my skin, so)
we were being so light with the kisses n while he was running the tips of his fingers up my arm, i was holding the edges of his face.
i wanted to press my thigh into him so badly lol, but we said goodbye n i finished up the dishes.

[F] waterboarded myself when i came

now you may be thinking “u/foundationoffarts why the fuck would you do that?”

to which i respond.. it was an accident!

but THAT begs the question “how ..do you waterboard yourself *by accident*….”

the answer is simple.. i.. *like to jack off in the bath*, n normally? i sink down low enough so that my ears are under the water, not gonna go into detail about why i like this, but!

today when i “got there” i threw my head back way too hard and my nose flooded w bathwater 🤗
i shot up super fast n honestly hadnt had such a short orgasm in a while, strangely enough it was still good? probably wont try to recreate it though

this kinda thing had only happened one other time (got in my mouth and i spat it out) wasnt nearly as bad as this one. most the time im super aware of it but not today ig

it was an unpleasant sensation, but its funny in a really stupid kind of way so i wanted to share lol