Not that slutty, or erotic. But wanted to share.
I went to my local grocery store as I usually do on Sunday afternoon to get groceries for the family. I think I’ve seen her (early 20’s short brown hair, dark coloured eyes, 5’5”, average weight) there before sanitizing handles and cleaning carts. I (35 male 6’1”, 160 lbs, fit, blue eyes, short brown hair) go from the produce section to the meat and I looked to my right and see her in a door way cleaning. She took a long look at me as I stared back and I kept going, looking back as I got further and further.
I kept shopping for 10-15 mins not thinking too much of that encounter. I usually like to go to the hotties at the cash, wearing tight lulus. One cashier has. Great ass , more on her in a bit. This time went to first open cashier I saw, a male. I was almost finished putting my $91 worth of groceries on the conveyor and she walks up to grab the baskets at the start of the conveyor on the ground. She looks up at me looks down at my crotch and kneels down at great height and grabs the baskets. “Sorry I just need to grab these” she says. “No problem at all” she takes off and I continue to pay for my groceries.