All good things come to an end…repeatedly [MF]

I know, been a while, what can I say, shit happens. First there was a death in the family and I had to deal with that, then once I started to get back into the swing of things at work, the world went to shit, and before restrictions got too bad, I made the ~~smart~~ ~~dumb~~ impassioned move to drive from California to Maryland to quarantine with the girl I was seeing, the one who originally wanted me to start writing things out. She’s finishing up her residency to become a doctor, so I didn’t want her to be alone in the middle of all of this shit. What can I say, love makes you do stupid things. Anyway, I’m finally finishing out this chapter in my life, then I’m going to move on to other parts, more adventurous parts. Why am I writing these out instead of telling her in person? She likes it, and seems to think I have a knack for it. There’s another reason entirely, but I’ll get to that eventually, maybe.

Getting excused fro[M] jury duty the [F]un way

So, I recently got called in for Jury duty, which is always a delight. Especially when the courthouse has no reserved jury parking, and the already limited street parking is even more limited due to construction. The 3 days I had to go down there before I was finally excused I ended up parking half a mile away in a residential area and walking down, trying my luck by staying in a 2 hour zone all day. I can rant about this more, but that’s not why you guys are here.

The reason the selection took as long as it did was that the prosecutor was dismissing most of the people for whatever reason. Her name sounded familiar, but it wasn’t until I was asked to move up to a potential juror slot and got a good look at the prosecutor that it finally dawned on me where I had seen her before, Tinder.

Prom Night Anal [MF]

So, back on track, chronologically, everyone in the story is still over 18. Apologies for the delay in the story itself, but along with some crap at work, I was called in for jury duty, which is oddly enough worthy of another story entirely ;)

After the thrill of that after-concert romp, we realized it was a bit much to risk things like that in public, especially in school, so we cooled things off in public, but in the safety of our houses, when we were alone, we continued to fuck eachother’s brains out. Eventually, as time rolled on, prom was approaching. In the past I wouldn’t have really thought about it, wouldn’t have likely even gone, but things had changed a lot this year, and more importantly I actually had someone to go with. So one day after class, when we were at her place and both her parents were gone, I asked her.

“So, Prom is coming up, got any plans?”

“Not at the moment, why?” She asked back somewhat frustrated

“You wanna go together?” I asked

“If I say yes, will you go back to fucking me?” She replied, still a bit frustrated (In hindsight I think when I stopped to ask she was about to cum)

One last fling for the bride [MF][Cheating]

So, this tale jumps ahead about 7 years from my other ones, and as such is much more recent.

A bit of background that needs to be set since this jumps ahead a bit. Emily greatly helped me break out of my shell and be much more confident about myself, just in time for college. While still the same nerd I’ve always been, I wasn’t nearly as shy as I was before, and it paid off immensely throughout my time there. During my time there I met a woman named Ally, a beautiful 5’8’’ brunette bombshell with a tight ass and an insatiable appetite for sex. Throughout out time there we were never in a relationship together per-say, but we were frequent FWBs who were always up for a round, or 5. Even after college and we moved away to different cities we stayed friends, and since I traveled a lot for work, I’d always hit her up If I was in her city and wanted to be drained of all bodily fluids. One day she calls me up out of the blue and asks me if I was going to be in her neck of the woods on a certain weekend next month.

Almost caught after a concert [MF]

At the request of a mod, I’m adding the fact that both people involved in this story were 18 at the time (Birthdays were after the cutoff for school, but before the start of the year, odd coincidence on both parts)

The winter break was hard on both of us, she left the next day for her grandparents house in the mountains, while I was stuck at home. We did sext pretty much the entire time, she said she was sore for a few days after, and when her mom got home that day she asked if I was over earlier, so she had likely seen me or recognized my car (my dad was one of the few people in town that believed a kids 1st car should be a piece of shit). When school started back up, so did our “tutoring” sessions, and she even started coming around my place for them too, though that was mainly because her mom started nosing around and wouldn’t give us enough time between interruptions to do anything, and both of my parents worked, so we had more freedom there. She just thought her mom was being a typical nosey parent, but i always had my suspicions she knew what she was doing, but it backfired in that we spent more of our time at my house, and we even made a game of trying to fuck in every room in the house, working our way through day by day. The hardest one was the attic, the wood floor wasn’t comfortable to lay on. The best one was the laundry room, mainly because I had the genius idea to lift her on top of the dryer after throwing a pair of old shoes in there and putting it on “tumble dry”. Safe to say the shoes were the only thing dry after that.

Half Day at half-mast [mF] (Reupload)

Edit: at the request of a mod, I’m adding the fact that both people involved in this story were 18 at the time (Birthdays were after the cutoff for school, but before the start of the year, odd coincidence on both parts)

Also, in my confusion to add this before, I accidentally deleted the whole post, my bad (I blame the mobile app)

Half Day at half-mast [mF]

Well, before we get to the main event on Friday, that next day on Thursday some shit did go down, and it only feels right to slightly cover it. Somehow, and I don’t exactly know, but somehow Jack, Emily boyfriend, had found out that I had been helping her with more than just her homework for the past couple weeks. I always suspected it was because Emily told one of her girlfriends what happened on Wednesday, and word spread from there. I was late to 1st period, but during class a friend told me that before school Jack was lurking the halls, wanting to mount my head on the flagpole. When my friend asked if the rumors were true, if I was actually fucking Emily, I was able to tell him with a straight face that no, I wasn’t, because we hadn’t fucked yet. By lunch, not only did everyone think that, but everyone knew Jack was going to track me down and kill me. When lunch finally came around, I decided not to pussyfoot around it and meet him in the quad. if I had to guess, the past few months sneaking around with Emily gave me some confidence, stupid me. I walked in and it only took a few seconds for people to point and whisper, with one guy yelling out “Hey Jack, there he is”. A crowd started to form as Jack walked up to his prey, me. Now, i’m fairly tall myself at 6’3’’, but Jack was still taller, not to mention in better shape being on the football team. When he finally closed the gap he started out by pushing me back into the lockers behind me, and yelled

Oral Exams [mF]

So, following the events of the band trip, Emily kept true to her word, she texted me when we got home, and she wanted to meet me behind an old service shed on the far side of the field during lunch. Me, being the horny idiot I was, said yes to anything she said. So we met back there on Monday, she didn’t waste any time in undoing my pants and pulling my half-erect cock out. Before she did anything with it she told me “This thing you have here, this big gift, this isn’t a dick, this is a cock, remember that”, and before I could respond she put the tip in her mouth and started playing with it with her tongue, all I could do was moan in approval. After a minute or so of that she started to work her way down my shaft, and, she didn’t get far before I started to cum, and like a trooper she swallowed everything. As I gathered my thoughts and zipped my pants up, Emily was washing her mouth out with a drink she brought, because who wants to go back to class with dick on their breath?

[mF] Happiest Place on Earth

So, this is the tale of my first sexual experience, and how I came to realize I was above average. I’m going to be posting more than a few stories from my past at the behest of someone in my life. Details can be found stickied on my profile

This origin story takes place in High School, senior year, on our yearly band trip to Disneyland. Bit of background on that first, our trips were Thursday to Sunday, Thursday and Sunday were 12 hour bus trips there and back, Friday was a clinic at a local college and a concert in the evening, and Saturday was Disney day (along with a clinic in the recording studios in the backlot, but most of the day was just us having fun and the conductor getting shitfaced in Downtown Disney). Also, I wasn’t one of the popular kids, far from it, I was clearly one of the nerds. Aside from band, my only other thing really at school was being part of the Smash Bros. club at lunch (the Chem teacher sponsored us, was a kickass Pikachu main, and when we were done with the AP tests even let us play in class). Enough of that, onto the story…