My first threesome [MFF]

This happened decades ago but a chat with a follower on here got me thinking about it and I’ve been thinking about it more and more lately. Gets my panties moist and brings a smirk to my lips remembering.

My boyfriend , I, and another girl we were friends with had just smoked a joint. We were listening to bob marley and kinda lying around on the bed together, giggling, joking, rolling around. My girlfriend (let’s call her Meg) and I had been playful before in that free spirited teenage girl kinda way but never gone very far. I had also noticed her being flirty and trading looks with my boyfriend before but I didn’t mind. We used to party pretty hard and skinny dip and whatnot, all in good fun.

It’s summer so we’re all wearing shorts; he’s got a T-shirt on with the sleeves cut off I’ve got a spaghetti strap top on and she’s got a T on with no bra underneath. So yeah we’re feeling great and he’s laying on his back in the middle of the bed and we end up on either side of him facing each other. Meg pulls my leg up over his legs and crotch and gives me a coy smirk. She pulls me close to her and kisses me over his chest. I’m honestly shocked at first but my lips loosen up and let her tongue in my mouth.

[FM] I [42F] sucked my neighbor’s son’s [19M] dick

We’ve lived in our house for about 10 years and have a great group of neighbors around our cul de sac. We’re especially close to the folks next door. There’s been countless cookouts and get togethers and drunken evenings.

Their oldest son went away to college last year and when he came home last summer I couldn’t help but notice how much he had grown up! He had obviously gotten into lifting weights and had a hot little redhead girlfriend who was always around. She’s a sweet girl.

I blushed when I saw him at the gym in his loose tank top all sweaty and red and flushed from pumping iron. I went up to him smiling in my sports bra and cute little booty shorts to chat him up. He was so awkward it was adorable but he couldn’t keep his eyes off of me. I got a little wet and had a great workout lol.

Fast forward to a couple weeks ago and he’s home for thanksgiving break. Friday night after thanksgiving him and his folks came over and had drinks with my husband and I. We had a great time drinking and smoking and laughing and chatting. Eventually his folks headed home to crash and my husband got so drunk he slipped upstairs to bed without even saying anything. We were alone.

I [F42] sucked my son’s friend’s [M19] dick [MF]

I was so happy to have my son home from college for thanksgiving break and even happier to let him have a few people over and hang out. He invited a handful of old friends over and got some beer and liquor I already had some killer weed.

I hadn’t seen any of his friends in a couple years and I was surprised how much his one friend had matured and filled out. He had been hitting the gym hard since high school and it showed. He was very handsome and seemed very together compared to the other kids at the party. He brought his hot little blonde girlfriend and everyone had a great time drinking and smoking and laughing.

The night wore on and things quieted down as some guests left and everyone mellowed out passing around a joint. My son crashed out in his room with one of his buds sleeping on the floor and his buddy’s girlfriend laid down on the couch in our den leaving just the two of us still up.

[MF] I (F42) sucked my neighbor’s son’s dick last night.

We’ve always been close with the neighbors and have watched their kids grow up, especially their son who developed into quite the athlete and strapping young man. He’s a football player in his freshman year at college. He has a great body and I couldn’t help checking him out doing yard work shirtless while I’d be out sunbathing or working in my garden.

We decided to have a backyard campfire and invited the neighbors over for drinks and marshmallows like always and I realized to my delight that he was home for the weekend. We had a great night by the fire drinking and shooting the breeze while I did my best to catch his eye as the evening went on. A coy smile here, an ever so enticing adjustment of my tight vneck T-shirt there, and the conversation came easy.

Eventually my husband went inside and crashed out and his parents called it a night as well. Alone with each other and an awkward silence, I asked him if he wanted to get high and look at the stars and he was down. I made it a point to hold onto and caress his hand a little as we passed the pipe back forth. I leaned in as we chatted and giggled. I could tell he was nervous. I knew he wanted me and my heart raced as I began.