[MFM] How I had my first threesome with a stranger and my (then) boyfriend. Pics inside.

**I’m not going to bother describing myself other than I was 25 at the time of this story and a few photos are on my profile as well as photos from the actual night, found here.** https://imgur.com/a/I645Qxe

Younger me didn’t believe in anything but ordinary sex lives. Anything out of the normal was borderline frightening to me and the taboo wasn’t real to me but only some made up fantasy. In my innocent mind, no one engaged in risky behavior or anything too wild and crazy. Wild to me was giving a girl a peck on the lips at a party. Crazy to me was having sex with a man in the back of a car. The absolute craziest thing I had done until that point was flash three guys at a party.

That was until my husband (29 at the time) and I (25 at the time) met, but more accurately when we got more comfortable with each other. He and I began to talk openly about our sex lives very quickly. I’d never been with a man that made me feel so confident and sexy and to that end, we progressed through our sexuality and exploration quickly with each other. Within a month or so we began dirty talk in the bedroom. In the beginning our wildest talk was location based, somewhere semi public where we probably wouldn’t get caught but had the smallest of chances of being seen. This thought is what began it all.

[MFM] How I had my first threesome with a stranger and my (then) boyfriend

Younger me didn’t believe in anything but ordinary sex lives. Anything out of the normal was borderline frightening to me and the taboo wasn’t real to me but only some made up fantasy. In my innocent mind, no one engaged in risky behavior or anything too wild and crazy. Wild to me was giving a girl a peck on the lips at a party. Crazy to me was having sex with a man in the back of a car. The absolute craziest thing I had done until that point was flash three guys at a party.

That was until my husband (29 at the time) and I (25 at the time) met, but more accurately when we got more comfortable with each other. He and I began to talk openly about our sex lives very quickly. I’d never been with a man that made me feel so confident and sexy and to that end, we progressed through our sexuality and exploration quickly with each other. Within a month or so we began dirty talk in the bedroom. In the beginning our wildest talk was location based, somewhere semi public where we probably wouldn’t get caught but had the smallest of chances of being seen. This thought is what began it all.

Her first [MFM]

First post on hotwife: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hotwife/comments/5trob0/taking_the_plunge/
Second on hotwife: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hotwife/comments/5twyl3/taking_the_plunge_2/

Throughout the day leading up to the big moment, our anxiety was low. It was almost like nothing was happening until we actually arrived at the hotel, checked in and made our way to a local bar that we agreed to meet at for some small talk and ice breaking. On the way, I could sense her anxiety. I tried to loosen her up by touching and teasing her on the way and assuring her that everything would be fine.

He texted us as we pulled in to let us know that he would be running a bit late which only added to our anxiety – what if he didn’t show? All this anticipation just to be let down? We decided to head inside, get a table and have a drink while we waited. We were making small talk whens he looked toward the door and said, “That’s him. I’m so nervous.”