The Toast. [MF][oral][cum/squirt fetish]

Candles light the dining room where Lily and Daniel sit across from each other. The table holds traces of a simple but elegant meal. They are celebrating the sixth anniversary of their marriage, and with the dinner finished, all that is left is a toast – their own special tradition.

“Ready?” he asked her. She only smiled back, her eyes glittering in the candlelight. Daniel got up and slowly began to clear the table, his movements clear and deliberate. She sat there watching him. She knew he was taking his time to build anticipation, as he always does, and it was working. She could feel the warmth starting to build between her legs, and spread her legs slightly under the table. She shivered as the cool air touched the warm flesh of her pussy. She longed to reach down and touch it, she longed to rush across the room and to bury her mouth in his, to tear at his clothes and to rub her flesh against his, bus she just bit her lip and continued sitting, watching her husband now heading casually back from the cupboard with two glasses – one large wineglass and one tall shot glass. He placed them in front of Lily, and pushed the candles to the edges of the table.