The Toast. [MF][oral][cum/squirt fetish]

Candles light the dining room where Lily and Daniel sit across from each other. The table holds traces of a simple but elegant meal. They are celebrating the sixth anniversary of their marriage, and with the dinner finished, all that is left is a toast – their own special tradition.

“Ready?” he asked her. She only smiled back, her eyes glittering in the candlelight. Daniel got up and slowly began to clear the table, his movements clear and deliberate. She sat there watching him. She knew he was taking his time to build anticipation, as he always does, and it was working. She could feel the warmth starting to build between her legs, and spread her legs slightly under the table. She shivered as the cool air touched the warm flesh of her pussy. She longed to reach down and touch it, she longed to rush across the room and to bury her mouth in his, to tear at his clothes and to rub her flesh against his, bus she just bit her lip and continued sitting, watching her husband now heading casually back from the cupboard with two glasses – one large wineglass and one tall shot glass. He placed them in front of Lily, and pushed the candles to the edges of the table.

He took her by the hand and helped her out of her chair. In the same movement, he lifted her in his arms and sat her on the sturdy oak table. She clutched at his shoulders as he slid his hands down her sides, along the silky fabric of her short black dress, tracing the contours of her waist, hips, thighs, as if he were a sculptor, molding her form out of clay. She put her fingers through his hair as his hands moved past the hem of her dress, lingered there, and began to slide back, even slower, pushing the fabric to her waist. She pressed her face against his so they could feel each other’s warm breath – the feeling a delightful contrast to the chill she felt of the wooden table against her ass, the air against her inner thighs and pussy. Daniel’s hands stopped at her waist, where her dress was now bunched up. She spread her legs around him and pulled him closer, squeezing him between her thighs, kissing his face. She pressed her breasts into his chest. She felt complete in his grasp like this, at once feeling like time had stopped for her and that this moment would pass in a heartbeat ad never be lived through again. She wanted to savor every moment of it. As she looked into Daniel’s eyes she knew he felt the same way. He felt fiercely alive, her hands desperately squeezing him into her. He felt the warmth of her naked pussy rubbing at his cock through his pants, her hungry mouth pulling at his lips and tongue.

He felt her tugging down on his shoulders slightly and understood what she wanted. He lingered a second longer for another kiss, and then headed downward. She laid back onto the table, and spread her arms. He sat down into a chair between her legs and began to explore around her inner thighs with his tongue. She stared up in ecstasy, watching the candlelight flickering on the ceiling, feeling his warm breath and wet tongue get closer and closer to her pussy, then away again. He would suck gently on her inner thigh, brush his lips almost imperceptibly along hers, and move on to the other thigh. He felt her entire body jolt every time his lips barely touched her pussy. He would let out a hot breath against her skin and then move away. She loved being teased like this. Her body was tense against the wooden table, her pussy felt hot and swollen, ready to erupt, it wanted to be caressed, pushed, rubbed, stretched, filled. It desperately longed for the soft, wet touch of his tongue. She felt a drop of her cum dripping down toward her ass. Daniel picked it up with his tongue and ran it back to its source. Her gasp echoed through the house as she finally felt his tongue enter her pussy.

Time stopped for both of them as Daniel continued to feast on her, sometimes sucking her big pussy lips into his mouth, sliding his tongue around them, sometimes digging his tongue as deeply into her pussy as he could, trying to taste her deepest juices. He would circle his tongue around the opening of her pussy, until she could feel it pushing out against his mouth, almost like it wanted to turn inside-out. Then his tongue would dart up against her clit, rolling it around between his lips. Lily had always felt self conscious about her large clit and labia, but the way Daniel hungrily sucked on them made her feel lucky to have them. She felt his fingers enter her as his mouth kept rhythm on her clit. his finger pressing upward, guiding her closer and closer to bursting. She clutched at his hair, feeling wave after wave of pleasure rush through her body until she felt the familiar sensation, ready to explode. With desperate hands she felt for the wine glass and handed it down to him. Seconds later her juices began to flow. She shook and screamed and laughed with the intensity of the release. first the warm stream of her cum hit Daniel in the face, then he positioned the glass underneath her – catching as much of her juices as he could while continuing to lick her clit, keeping her orgasm rolling as long as possible. They had first discovered she was a squirter when she drenched the whole back seat of his car back in college. She apologized profusely until she say Daniel lick her juices off of his hand, and tell her that they taste like candy. Over the years she had learned to completely relax and let all of her cum squirt out of her, completely free.

She was gasping for air and convulsing all over by the time the glass was mostly full. Daniels hands and face and shirt were trenched as he proudly held the glass, warm, dripping wet, nearly full of his wife’s sweet-smelling cum. He set it close to one of the candles to keep it warm, and pulled off his wet shirt. He slid on top of Lily, who was still lying on her back, trying to catch her breath. He kissed her firmly on the lips. She was still giggling a little, she liked the taste of her own warm cum on his mouth. The sweet taste instantly brought her energy back, as she ravenously licked it off of his face and neck, sucking the rest of it off of his fingers. She glanced over at the glass, full of her clear juices. She never ceased to be amazed at how much Daniel could always manage to get out of her, how much cum her body was able to produce.

Now it was her turn. She rolled over on top of Daniel and began to plant kisses down his chest and stomach. She licked around the contours of his abs, his belly button, kissed his pelvic bones and ran her tongue under the waist of his pants. She looked up at his eyes as she undid his belt, ever so slowly unzipped his pants, and started to pull them down over his cock. She giggled as it sprung out from inside his pants and stood straight up, rigid and flinching, ready for her, almost trying to reach out and touch her. She grasped it tightly at the base and stared at it. She remembered the first time she saw it, back in college, how at first she was a little scared of how thick it was, now it only filled her with excitement, she felt a little more of her cum drip down her leg as she held Daniels cock just inches from her face. Her little hand could barely close itself around it. She remembered the first few awkward blowjobs she gave him back in college, where she could only fit the head of it in her mouth, and gagged if she tried to take it any deeper. She smiled at the thought of everything that had passed until then. She truly loved this man and wanted to make him feel as good as he had made her.

But after all the teasing he had done to her, she wasn't about to let him have it easy. He was looking down at her, his eyes begging her to take his cock into her mouth, but she only sat there smiling, feeling it get harder and harder in her tight grip, feeling his pulse pump it fuller and fuller, she let her warm breaths caress it as she watched it get more and more engorged. She pulled his foreskin over his thick head and saw a big drop of pre-cum form at the tip, linger there, and start to drip down the length of his cock, she watched it roll down a little, and then picked it up with the tip of her tongue, the salty taste of it sending chills all through her body. She did this for a long time – sitting under him, pulsing her grip at the base of his dick until some pre-cum came out, then licking it off of him, causing him to jolt every time he felt the tip of her tongue on his cock. It was patient, slow, they were both enjoying every single moment.

She could feel his body tensing up, she watched his balls tighten, his cock was as thick and hard as she had ever seen it. She was through torturing him. He gasped as her mouth closed down around one of his balls, sucking it firmly into her mouth, a mixture of pleasure and pain, his balls sore and ready to explode. She rolled it around her mouth a little with her tongue, then let it drop and kept licking up the bottom of his shaft. Her warm wet tongue went up so slowly that it felt like it would never reach the tip, but eventually when it did, she giggled at the intensity of his moan, so much pre-cum came out of his cock at that moment that for a second she thought he was finished. She rubbed it around with her hand, making his hard dick all slippery and wet, and finally opened wide and took the head of it into her mouth. It stretched her jaw and felt so hard and tasted so good on her tongue. She ran her tongue in circles around it as she kept stroking the base, still slippery from his pre-cum. Daniel couldn't help but moan at the feeling of her warm mouth around his dick. He put his hands on her head, sliding his fingers through her hair, and gently began to pump his dick deeper into her mouth. She loved the sensation of her face getting fucked like this, and he knew just how to control the pumps. Almost half of his dick was in her mouth at this point, and she was running her tongue along the bottom of it, relaxing it more and more to let more and more of his thick dick into her mouth. She held her breath as she finally felt it press against the opening of her throat. She held it there for a little while and let the spit build up in her mouth and cover the whole length of his dick with her saliva. Her mouth was getting wetter and wetter, her throat was begging to be penetrated. She felt more juices dripping out of her pussy, as Daniel was breathing harder and harder. Now she took the control, she reached her hands around to grab his ass, and finally let her throat relax and let the full length of his cock in.

She pressed her face against his abdomen, overwhelmed at the sensation of his thick cock filling up her throat. She slowed down and lingered there, feeling it twitch in her mouth. She slid her tongue out a little and tickled his engorged balls with it. Slowly she pulled his cock out of her throat, and with it came a huge stream of spit that she worked into the length of his shaft with her hand. He loved the feeling of his dick completely covered in spit, her hand pumping up and down on it through the slippery mess. She caught her breath a little, looking up at him with a naughty sly glance. She could tell by his eyes that he was close, she could tell by the way he was breathing, by the way his cock was twitching in her hand. She took a deep breath and took his dick back into her mouth, pumping up and down on the head with increased speed, still stroking it at the base, and occasionally taking it deep into her throat for a few seconds, and then again keeping the rhythm going. She wanted his cum already and she wanted it now. His breathing was getting louder and louder, as he felt the orgasm welling up within him. He grabbed her shoulders as he always did, and they both slid off the table as he stood up in front of her. She grabbed the shot glass that was sitting next to them on the table, and as soon as she felt the first twitch of his balls, the first shudder of orgasm, the first taste of semen in her mouth, she took his cock out of her mouth and let the thick white jizz ooze out of his twitching cock and fill the shot glass, she kept stroking his dick firmly, watching stream after stream of cum flow out of his glistening wet dick. He was gasping and calling her name, and she was trying her best to keep him steady, not to lose a single drop. He continued cumming like this for thirty seconds, as Lily hungrily watched his cum flow out of him, all for her. He filled the shot glass, the last little drop of cum still lingered on the tip of his dick, and she firmly squeezed it out, adding to the huge glob that was already in the glass. She was tortured by the smell of it. She wanted it in her mouth.

She stood up and kissed Daniel firmly on the lips, he was still catching his breath and getting his bearings. She smiled into his eyes, she could feel his still-hard dick pressing against her belly as she hugged him tightly.

“Ready?” She asked him “Ready” he said as he picked up the wine glass of her juices that had been waiting for him. This was it. They were holding the very substance of each other’s sex. They clinked glasses.

“To us” He said. “To us” she smiled.

They both closed their eyes and moaned in unison as they got the first taste of each others juices. His mouth filled with her sweet nectar, and he swallowed it greedily, taking the next sip and letting it linger in his mouth. Lily let the whole warm glob of cum slip out of the glass and fill her mouth. She savored the texture of it on her tongue, letting it slide around her mouth and through her teeth, she felt the stickiness of it, the strong salty taste with a little bit of bitterness and sweetness. The very sexual essence of the man she loved. She kept sliding it around her mouth for a very long time, as he took small sips of her sweet squirt, feeling a warmth in his stomach as he swallowed more and more of it.

Satisfied, he took the last sip of it, let it linger in his mouth, and swallowed it with a bit of sweet regret that it was finished. At the same moment he heard her swallow his load that she had been playing with in her mouth for over a minute. She let out a little moan as she felt the cum slide down her throat and into her body. They opened their eyes and looked at each other. The taste of each other still fresh in their mouths.

“I love you” He said “I love you too” She told him, and hugged him deeply, kissing him on the mouth, letting the tastes of each other mingle in their mouths. They continued kissing like this late into the night.
