How We Started Sharing My Wife (Part 2) [MF]

More pictures of Lana and Curtis for reference (note that some are from other encounters): [](

While they were finishing up their second round in the master bedroom, I sat in the living room. I was flipping through channels endlessly, anxious to see her come back downstairs. And she did. About 10 minutes later both Lana and Curtis made their way down. Lana was wearing a floral nightgown, and Curtis was in his underwear. On the main level of the house, my loving wife reached into a small closet and pulled out some sheets and pillows for Curtis, who would be sleeping on the spare bed in the basement.

I watched her walk down the steps leading into the basement, her nightgown barely covering her supple body and seemingly flowing in the air. Curtis followed her downstairs. I turned back to the TV and tried to focus on something.

A short while later, Lana came back upstairs and wrapped her arms around me, sitting next to me on our sofa.

“I really like Curtis you know. He’s done an absolutely wonderful job so far, don’t you agree?” She asked.

How We Started Sharing My Wife [MF]

Images for reference: [](

I’ll start by saying that this is a true story, with only a few details changed for anonymity.

I love my wife. Having too much of a good thing, in my eyes, is as dangerous as having too little of it. It was my ultimate desire to share her for this very reason, but her religious childhood upbringing limited my options. She was a fine wife, perfect in many ways, but the farthest we got was simply discussing her being shared during sex. In a moment of passion, she or I would bring it up… telling the other how hot it would be to bring a third, larger partner into the relationship. After sex, the topic would quickly disappear into thin air, along with my ambitions.

Backing up a little…

She goes by Lana. 30 years old and approximately 5’ 4”, she’s an average girl height-wise, but that was the only thing I considered average about her. Her frame was irresistible… Being an avid runner, Lana was lean, toned, and in phenomenal shape. Her blonde hair, which used to go down her back in our university days, is now cropped just above the shoulders. The gentle twists and curls in her hair are mesmerizing and easy to lose yourself in. Her 36C breasts are perfectly shaped, almost tear-dropped, with a few freckles here and there. Lana is a beautiful, rare woman that I only dreamed about before I met her.