[MF] My (22M) Drunk Encounter with a Hot Asian FWB (21F)

The story goes back to my college days when I first met Sarah. A little bit about Sarah, she is 5’3″, Asian, with long dark brown hair. She has an overall toned body from playing tennis and as I learn to find out, a pair of full C breasts and a perfect ass for her slim figure. I was an Engineering Faculty Club executive in my 3rd year and we met during one of the orientation events on campus.

I was busy for most of the night helping to run the event. As the event wrapped up, I was cleaning up some papers while the attendees were left to socialize and found Sarah wondering by a presentation table, away from the rest of the crowd.

“Are you looking for something?”, I asked.

“Oh uh, no I was just waiting for my friend.”

It started with a fairly dull and casual conversation, but she had definitely caught my eye. Not to be stereotypical, but there really aren’t that many hot Asian girls in this faculty. Turns out she wasn’t in Engineering, but came with a friend to check out the event. Her friend had disappeared to socialize and Sarah didn’t know anyone so she was just trying to kill some time while the friend returned. I actually knew the other girl and there was an afterparty that we all planned to go, so I took my shot.