[MF] My very First Sexual Experience [Indian Guy in India] Part 2

Thank you to all those who gave me the positive feedback on my first post. (Part 1) Much appreciated. If you want to read that, kindly go through the post history.

So continuing with the story.

Me and the girl, we continued having our little sexcapades in the park and day by day we felt like we wanted to feel and experience even more and more. We even tried switching up places and moving to other locations and parks.

One such occasion, was at the Library / Study hall of a big college in the city. We used to go together to the library on the premise of doing group study, while all we did was more and more kissing and feeling eachother out. The library was open till around 10 at night and we used to sit on the top floor of the library where there would be very less people around.

[MF] My Very First Sexual Experience [Indian Guy in India] Part 1

I’ve never thought of sharing this anywhere or anyone up until I came across this subreddit.

I thought it’ll be fun to share my story.

It’s not as sexual or hot as the other stories I’ve read on here, but it still is my story. So here goes.

This was around 6 years back, when I was 22.
I was studying for a professional course in Bangalore India. Ive always been a very silent and shy kinda guy and uptil then I hadn’t had any sort of experience with girls.

So I had this girl in my class. She was 2 years older than me. She’s about 5’6, slim, fair skin, lovely brown hair, brown eyes and a good figure. I’m 5’10 slim, brown skin black hair and eyes. I used to be good in class. There was this particular topic that almost everyone struggled with, but which me and only a handful of other people in class were good in. I was a friendly and easy approachable guy and I had around 8 to 10 people in class approach me to help them out with this topic. This girl was also one among them. We used to stay back after class and work on the topics and this went on for a couple of days. With each day me and the girl started talking and interacting more and more and I genuinely started getting really attracted to her. After a couple of days, the extra sessions got over but me and girl started hanging out more after class. There was a park a couple of blocks away from where the classes used to happen and we used to go sit together over there.