The night train

Why not spend some of your holiday writing a erotic story in your dressing gown? That’s what I’m gonna do. Merry Christmas!

This is a made up story. Enjoy.


Christmas holidays were coming to an end. I had spend it in my parents house together with some relatives. I was busy folding my clothes and packing my travelling bag as I was heading back to my home. I am currently single and live in a city 10 hours away.

Usually I would take the flight but due to corona I had to compromise. To avoid people I decided to book a night train ticket. I hadn’t tried it before. Basically you hop on a train in the evening and when you wake up you are at your final destination. There were different tiers to pick from. You could pick first class where you had your own shower and single bed or a more affordable option where you shared with three other people. I went for the latter.

My bag was finally packed. I did my farewells and headed down to the central station.

Workout friend (M/F)

This is a fictional story. A fantasy that I keep on coming back to when I daydream.

We met through common friends at a birthday party. Your bubbly personality and kind eyes had me hooked at once. Hours had passed the same day and we did not separate from eachother until everyone had left and the host started to clean. We shared phone numbers before leaving. It was like I had found a soul mate.

During our interaction that day we had realized that alot of our interests aligned. You were into fitness, exercising and dieting and so was I. We both had read the similar books and articles. We both had a sound view on it all, we agreed that you have to enjoy the journey and not get too obsessive in the details.

Around a week had passed since the birthday party when I received your phone text. You had seen me jogging in a park close to where you lived at the time. It turned out that we lived close to eachother. We both had a walking distance to the same park.