[F] It’s interesting to attend college. [24F]

On his way to college, this man generally boards the bus a few stops later and gives me a friendly smile. I believe that our relationship is getting closer.

When I turn to face him, he gives me a long, hard look before breaking it. As I type, his eyes are moving over my body. I sometimes feel like a slut for getting horny so easily because I can feel my pussy getting a little bit wetter when he looks at me.

Since a few months ago, if the subway gets full, I try to sit close to him. Once when I lost my balance and had to grab his arms to keep from falling, once when I had to apologize to him, and twice when I had to release my ass from his grasp to allow an elderly woman to pass. I also like to style my hair or put it in a ponytail in front of him so that he can smell my perfume or see what I can do with it pulled back.

My motivation to get up early and make it to my first class is higher than ever.

[F] Being a college student is interesting. [24F]

This man usually boards the bus a few stops later on his way to college and looks me in the eye. I think that our bond is getting stronger.

He gives me a long, hard look before breaking it when I turn to face him. His gaze is sweeping over my body as I type. Sometimes when he looks at me, I notice that my pussy is getting a little bit wetter, and I feel like a slut for getting horny so easily.

I try to sit close to him if the metro is crowded ever since a few months ago. Both times I had to release my ass from his grasp in order for an elderly woman to pass, once when I lost my balance and had to grab his arms to keep from falling, and twice when I had to apologize to him. In order for him to smell my perfume or see what I can do with it pulled back, I also like to style my hair or put it in a ponytail in front of him.

I’m more motivated than ever to get up early so I never miss my first class.

[F] It’s interesting to be in college. [24F]

On his way to college, this man usually boards the bus a few stops later and makes eye contact with me. I believe that our relationship is strengthening.

When I turn to face him, he gives me a long, hard look before breaking it. As I type, his eyes are moving over my body. I catch my pussy occasionally getting a little bit wetter when he looks at me, and I feel like a slut for getting horny so easily.

Since a few months ago, if the metro is crowded, I make an effort to sit near him. I apologized to him both times—once when I lost my balance and had to grab his arms to keep from falling—and twice when I had to remove my ass from his grasp in order for an elderly woman to pass. I also like to fix my hair or tie it in a ponytail in front of him so that he can smell my perfume or see what I can do with it pulled back.

My desire to get up early and never miss my first class is stronger than ever.

[F] College life is interesting. [24F]

This man usually enters the bus a few stops later and makes direct eye contact when I see him on the way to college. I think our chemistry is getting better.

He gives me a long, hard stare before breaking it when I turn to face him. His gaze is sweeping over my body as I write. When he stares at me, I periodically notice that my pussy is getting a little bit wetter, and I feel like a slut for getting horny so readily.

Since a few months ago, if the metro gets full, I try to sit close to him. In the first occasion, when I lost my balance and had to hold his arms to protect myself from collapsing, and in the second, when I had to take my ass out of his hand so that an elderly woman could pass by, I apologized to him. In order for him to smell my perfume or see what I could do with my hair pulled back, I also like to fix my hair or tie it in a ponytail in front of him.

I’m more motivated than ever to wake up early and never miss my first class.

[F] Life in college is exciting. [24F]

The majority of the time when I see this man on the bus to college, he always enters a few stops later and makes intense eye contact. I feel like our chemistry is growing.

When I turn to face him, he gives me a long, intense look before breaking it. I can feel his eyes scanning my body. I occasionally feel my pussy getting wetter as he stares at me, and I feel like a slut for getting horny so easily.

I try to sit next to him on the metro when it’s crowded—I’ve been doing this for a few months. I apologized to him in two instances: the first, when I lost my balance and had to grab his arms to keep myself from falling; the second, when I had to remove my ass from his hand for an elderly woman to pass by. I also like to fix my hair or tie it in a ponytail in front of him so that he can smell my perfume or see what I could do with my hair tied back.

I now have a stronger desire to get up early and never miss my first class.

[F] College life is exciting. [24F]

I generally use public transportation to college, and every time I see this man, he always enters a few stops later and makes intense eye contact. I sense our chemistry developing, right?

I can feel his eyes moving over my body, and when I turn to face him, he gives me a long, intense look before breaking it. Sometimes, as he looks me in the eyes, I can feel my pussy getting wetter and feeling like a slut for getting horny so easily.

I’ve been doing this for a few months, and if it’s packed on the metro I make an effort to sit next to him. One instance where I lost my balance and had to grab his arms to keep myself from falling, apologized to him, and another instance where I briefly pressed my ass to his hand to make room for an elderly woman to pass by. In order for him to smell my perfume or to see what I could accomplish with my hair tied back, I also like to fix my hair or tie it in a ponytail in front of him.

My desire to get up early and never miss my first class has increased.