When I was [F]18 I let a 41 yr old [m] have sex with me when I was pregnant

The guy who got me pregnant is now my husband (I’m 22 now) and the 41 year old was the 2nd guy I ever let have sex with me. The 41 yr old worked for my daddy since I was five or six years old. He always treated me really sweetly just like my daddy did. When I turned 17 he asked me out. I wasn’t attracted to him at all but he was so sweet and I felt safe with him. I knew he’d never see me naked or anything.

When I went to college I met my baby’s daddy. I was a virgin and felt funny about that being in college and everything. I was dating the 41 yr old and him. The 1st or second time I had sex with him I got pregnant. When I went to tell the 41 yr old that I had to stop seeing him because I was pregnant, he was SO sad. He asked if he could have sex with me and I felt so terrible I said yes. It happened again when I was 4 months pregnant. I can talk more in DM’s but please be sweet and baby me. It’s scary to talk about and I respond best to being babied <3