Pete the Greek- [FM], [first time], [public], [true story]

I remember when I first saw his profile pic- it was a black and white decapitated body, flexed flesh sculpted into statuesque physique, against stark blackness… identity and humanity just beyond the frame.
It was too perfect; I wondered why he’d chosen something so obviously not him. It was his only photo; there was no cross reference. All I had was this stock photo, but he insisted.
It was a gamble.
I was much more impressionable in those days.
I was to arrive, state I had a meeting with Pete to discuss my grandmother’s interest in the residency and then… game on. Yes, Pete, the grecian god, was a salesperson at a swanky retirement community.
I wore my favourite, slightly sexy combo- it was a dark red cami with just a bit of lace along the breast line, paired under a red, sheer overlay. It had kind of a gritty feel to it, thumbholes in the sleeves kind of cool. The lace peeked through the layers of red. Teasy, spicy, maybe?
I slipped on my jeans and boots and threw my big, puffy coat over top (it was winter).
I slammed the door of my hand-me-down, always something a little wrong with it (this time it was that gas gauge, but at least it ran) car. It was living on a modest income priorities… it got the job done.
My chariot, our journey awaited.
I plugged the address into my phone as I slathered my lips in gloss. Quick check in the mirror- I squeezed my sticky lips tight against each other; they popped apart. I gave myself a smile, brought my eyes into focus, and flashed a sultry glance… fuck yeah.
I was navigating to a place I’d never been before. This was my first venture of this nature, a set-up. I’d had my share of random hookups, even premeditated meet ups, but they’d always been in remote, private, or at least social spaces.
I followed the prompts on my phone; my heart raced as I turned onto the parkway. I was really doing this.
I heard the navigation announce my exit. I felt both a pang and a throb inside me.
As I was about to pull off, my car began to sputter. What the fu… the engine cut out again. As my car continued rolling forward, I managed to restart it. Thank goodness, I made it just off the parkway, onto a side street. I had no idea where I was- I didn’t know what to do.
My young adult self wanted to call my dad however, that was, for so many reasons, not an option. I was filled with horror and dismay as I picked up my phone for the only feasible fix, to look for Pete’s number.
I had never had a conversation with him before- he was actually very nice. He told me he’d stop at a gas station to pick up some ga…
Oh my fuckin god! I had freaken ran out of gas!
I said no, that he didn’t have to do that, that I’d go. It was too late, he was coming.
Oh my god! This was so fucked up. It was not how this was supposed to happen. My brain was a frantic mess as his car pulled up behind me.
We both swung open our doors. It was all very fast; he was kind . He grabbed the gas can from his trunk and went towards the back of my car. He emptied his can into my tank- of course it all fit, it could take it all in. It could take more if he had it.
He came back around towards me and reminded me of his instructions.
“Give me about 10 minutes to get back in. See you soon.”
What the fuck had just happened? I couldn’t believe I ran out of freaken gas! At least he was nice- it could’ve been more of an awful nightmare than it was. Oh my god, now I had to do this!
I parked my car on the street out front, checked myself in the window’s reflection, and zipped up (as not to show what was beneath) to keep my cover.
I ran through the story as I made my way to the entrance. My grandmother needed more care. We wanted somewhere social. She needed a place with activities.
“Hello, I have a meeting. I’m here to see Pete.”
Oh shit! Was Pete his name? Fuck, maybe it was Will! Pete was the artist from the Bronx! Fuck! Fuck! Fu…
“Give me one moment; I’ll let him know you’re here.”
Fuckin Pete!
The receptionist picked up the phone, spoke briefly then escorted me where I was going. I filled the silence with nervous banter about grandmothers and needs and anything else that could fill the space between.
Pete’s office was adjacent to the busy common area. The outfacing wall was made of glass. Pete greeted us at the door and the receptionist vanished. Pete closed the door behind us.
“Please take a seat.”
He tucked behind his desk, facing out, overlooking the space filled with senior living. I made my way into one of the oversized highback chairs opposite him.
“Take your coat off; make yourself comfortable.”
I was apprehensive of the glass wall but realized I was hidden by my chair. I unzipped, then slid my bulky jacket over my shoulders, exposing my soft layers of red beneath.
“Mmm… let me take a look at you.”
I smiled, and I took a look back at him. He was a bit smaller than I thought he’d be, even than he was on the side of the road, moments prior… but it was him. He was real. He was no fake.
“What do you think? Worth the trip?” I tugged my cami low, exposing more of the lace, hugging the creases and curves of my breasts.
“Mmm..” I saw him looking at me, wanting me. His eyes flashed beyond me, then back. “I’m going to take you on a tour. Put on your coat.”
I zipped up again and hurried behind him. We exited back into the busy-ness of the residence. We walked with purpose.
He keyed and peeked into a couple of rooms until he found the one he was seeking, and pulled me inside. With the click of the lock, he grabbed me and shoved his tongue in my mouth. Holy crap! I wanted his wanting me. He backed me up against the door and pressed himself into me, rubbed his hardness against my soft warmth.
He whispered in my ear. I could feel his hot breath with each word. “We should be okay in here but someone could come in if they have the key.”
We walked further into the bright, unfurnished room, towards the kitchen.
“There’s a nook we can tuck into if we hear the lock.”I
t was all so fast; I let him lead. He kissed me, deep, again.
Excitement and terror summersaulted in my guts. At any moment the lock could have tripped. I heard murmurings from the hall.
I dropped to my knees and looked up at him from the floor. I rubbed my face, my mouth, my teeth against the bulge in his dress pants. I looked up at him and back to his bulge.
I undid his belt, then his button. He grabbed hold and dropped them to the floor, then wrapped his fingers around the back of my head, through my hair. I looked up at him again; my mouth began to salivate.
Without breaking my gaze, I continued to rub my face on him. I reached my fingertips around his waistband and slowly pulled it down over him, bringing my hot, soft lips to his skin.
“Don’t take this the wrong way but you should be a pornstar… Damn, your eyes!”
I didn’t take it the wrong way. I took it the way I’m sure he hoped I would. I became his personal pornstar, performing for him, making him want to want me, giving him first person glances as I proceeded to wrap my mouth around his hard, throbbing cock.
There was no time for teasing or play, the urgency of the moment fueled and mounting pace.
I wrapped my fist around the base of his rock solid manliness and started sloppy kissing his head, twisting and slurping my tongue around him.I looked up at him and flashed him an excited twinkle.
“Fffffeels so good.”
I let my saliva drip all over him and began sliding my hands over his shaft, slow and firm, from base to tip, sometimes sliding out and re-entering. I brought my lips to my thumbs and began to take him into my mouth with every thrust. Tight lipped, in and out.
I rotated my wrists as my fingers slid over him. I felt excitement surging, pulsing beneath his thin sheathe. He was so alive. I looked up at him, staring down at me.
I barely started running my fingers over his sac when he interrupted.
“Almost there.”
I pushed more saliva out of my mouth, all over him… slipping and sliding fiercely. Staring at him, staring back at me, as I felt him tense against my face, pull my head tight, and force himself deep, towards the back of my throat.
My eyes watered. I gagged around him. I pulled away but didn’t break my stride. I plunged him back into my, just in time to catch his sticky eruption in my mouth. He twinged and looked at me swallowing him.
“You’re incredible… now, what can I do for you?”
Now that his needs were met, I became super aware of our risk of exposure. It was one thing for him to be caught, literally, with his pants down, another for me with mine. I decided the quickest way to finish off was to take things in my own hands.
Already on the floor, I laid down and snuck my fingers under my panties. I spread my lips wide; my clit was swollen, aching.
Pete knelt down beside me. I could hear his breathing deepen as his hand encircled the roundness of my breasts. Quickly he escalated, sliding his fingers under the layers, snaking under the lace trip. His hands were warm on my skin.
I began to stroke my clit, gently at first as I breathed Pete’s musky scent into my lungs. I closed my eyes and focused on the delicate, sensitive skin just beyond my fingertips. Gently lapping at myself, teasing me, deriving pleasure that only I could.
I clenched my insides to heighten the building intensity, moving faster over myself. Pete read my pulsing and started wrapping his hands around me, squeezing me in his strong grip.
Mmmmm. I felt my ache growing.
Pete noticed my eyes scrunch and started groping and twisting my nipples between his fingers. They’re receptive. I could feel them harden in his grasp.
“Mmmm… I’m going to cum”
I held my breath as I rode over the edge, and felt my insides flutter.
I sunk back to the floor, opened my eyes, and let out my breath in a sigh.
I looked up at Pete, looking down at me, his hot hands still cupping my breasts.
We pulled our fingers from my body. He helped me to my feet. We gathered ourselves and stepped back into the world outside the door.
I stopped for gas on the way home.

The Goddess and the Grasshopper [F/F] [30s-40s] [first time]

**The Goddess and the Grasshopper [F/F] [30s-40s] [first time]**


I walk into the darkened, dimly lit space, shrouded in the murmurings of others.The clinking of glasses, casual conversations, intermittent outbursts of laughter. The room is a blur. I feel comforted by the undefined anonymity as my heart beats out of my chest.

I draw a slow deep breath, feeling it fill and expand the pit at the base of my belly. In the stretch, I hold.

I lose track…until I remember, then control myself as I slowly exhale, through pursed lips. I feel pounding in my chest, my ears, as warmth fills my face.

It’s so hot in here. I close my eyes and continue to breathe. All the mutterings are silenced by the rush of air in and the controlled, extended release.

“what the f***?” I’m jolted back into the space as a force knocks me forward. Thankfully my legs, my feet, respond and catch me as I lunge. I had stopped in the midst of a thoroughfare, right near the entrance, and been jostled by an energetic party that had just arrived at the bar. They pushed past me and broke my silence with joyus eruptions, squeals of excitement. Anger and annoyance rise, but after taking a few breaths, quickly subside, as the context of the scene comes back into focus.

The Goddess and The Grasshopper

This is my first attempt at a full length story- Please feel free to give respectful feedback. I hope you enjoy! <3 FC


**The Goddess and The Grasshopper**


I walk into the darkened, dimly lit space, shrouded in the murmurings of others.

The clinking of glasses, casual conversations, intermittent outbursts of laughter. The room is a blur.

I feel comforted by the undefined anonymity as my heart beats out of my chest.

I draw a slow deep breath, feeling it fill and expand the pit at the base of my belly. In the stretch, I hold.

I lose track…until I remember, then control myself as I slowly exhale, through pursed lips.

I feel pounding in my chest, my ears, as warmth fills my face.

It’s so hot in here. I close my eyes and continue to breathe.

All the mutterings are silenced by the rush of air in and the controlled, extended release.

“what the f***?” I’m jolted back into the space as a force knocks me forward.

Thankfully my legs, my feet, respond and catch me as I lunge.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

The Goddess and the Grasshopper: Chapter 4- Here goes.

*Thanks for taking a peek :) Hope you enjoy!*

**The Goddess and the Grasshopper: Chapter 4- Here goes.**

She looks similar to her pictures; her hair’s a bit shorter. Her eyes are more electric. I motion that I’ll make my way over.

Holy fuck, what the heck am I doing? It’s legit been over 15 years since I faced another human in this way. I want to vomit. I want to hide. Would she see me if I ducked out? I could pull it off. What if she’s disappointed? What if I make it around to her side of the bar and she’s not there? What if she’s dipped?

She didn’t. She’s right there. Breathe in…. And out. Thank goodness she’s still smiling. Here goes.

“Hey there,” she says, buoyantly, as she pushes a pint in my direction. “Your smile is brighter than your pictures give you credit for.”

“The same could be said for your eyes.” I lift my glass and smile “Thanks! And cheers…”

“To us”- we say. Our eyes locked, as we press our drinks to our lips.

The Goddess and the Grasshopper: Chapter 3-Not Alone

Thanks for popping in for a peek!

**Find G&G: Introduction, here:**


**Find G&G: Chapter 1, here:**


**Find G&G: Chapter 2, here:**



**The Goddess and the Grasshopper: Chapter 3-Not Alone**

Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god. Breathe. Ok…I have to go.

I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and again, slowly blow through clenched lips. Wipe myself, pull my pants up, button, and flush. I rest my head against the cool metal door, slowly unlatch the lock, and head towards the sink. As soon as I lather up, another group enters the bathroom.

I’m reminded of the loud bustle outside of my sanctuary. They enter stalls as I try to hide my sweat-soaked hair, tuck it behind my ears. I roll my icy glass across my cheeks and forehead, and leave it on the counter. I take one last breath, pause, then push back out into the darkness.

I angle myself so I can approach the bar from the entrance. It seems darker now, and busier. People are everywhere.A buzz. “Black tank top”.

The Goddess and the Grasshopper: Chapter 2-Contact

Thanks for popping in for a peek!

Find **G&G: Introduction,** click [](

Find **G&G: Chapter 1,** click


Now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for…


**The Goddess and the Grasshopper: Chapter 2-Contact**

Fuck. Why did I do this? It’s not too late, I could ghost them. They don’t know I, too, am here.I’m so sweaty. It’s so hot! I shove an ice cube in my mouth as I try to bring myself, and my temperature, back down.


I start to make my way to the bathroom as I think of my reply. I alternate hands, holding my drink and pressing my cool fingers on my hot face, weaving through the others.

I make it to the bathroom and into a stall. I breathe relief as I slide the latch across. I pull my jeans and panties down to my knees and lower myself to the seat. I close my eyes and take a couple slow breaths. Most sounds are muffled except for the two ladies conversing at the sink. I wait and breathe until they go, and I am alone.

The Goddess and the Grasshopper: Chapter 1-The Onset

**The Goddess and the Grasshopper**

*Find Introduction* [*here*](

**Chapter 1-The Onset**

The edible I ate hasn’t kicked in yet; time for some liquid courage.

I hate going to a bar alone. Even if I’m meeting someone there, even the act of walking through the door solo, makes my heart race. I feel like I’m pantomiming the actions and observing myself from the outside. Playing the part of a single person opening the door, showing my ID, and taking one step after another as I make my way, past others, who seemingly embody themselves, I make my way to the bar.

Thank goodness the bartender has their back to me as I just realized that I have to come up with a drink to order once I do get their attention. My brain is spinning from the noise, the crowd, the edible starting to move from my digestive to circulatory system

I inadvertently make eye contact with the bartender, my panic is misread as urgency. They hurry over. Shit.

Categorized as Erotica