
I hope this is okay. I’m looking for Swedish speaking females to help me with my writing. I’ll write the wanted ad in Swedish below.

Jag söker svenskspråkiga kvinnor/tjejer som skulle vilja hjälpa mig med kvinligt perspektiv i mitt skrivande. Jag jobbar för närvarande på några historier på Wattpad (FlintEastwood70) och jag skulle gärna vilja höra vad ni tycker. Jag försöker skriva så att både tjejer och killar ska kunna finna något bra med historierna, men det är svårt när man är man. Någon eller några som vill hjälpa mig?

Jägarinnan (Swedish for ”The Huntress”)

Go to Wattpad and look for me there (FlintEastwood70). Yesterday I published chapter 5 of the story above. It’s in Swedish. I’m also working on the story ”Knäckt” (broken) over there. Also in Swedish.


I don’t know if this is okay, but I guess someone will tell me if it isn’t.

I’m trying to become a better writer. English isn’t my mother tounge (Swedish is), but I would call it okay. Maybe a little more than that. To get better I need some help:

1) Vocabulary. I find my self using similar phrasings and words too often.

2) Sometimes I think I use translations of swedish phrases that aren’t used in the English language. I need such phrases pointed out.

3) I try to write with a little bit of a female perspective to make the story I’m writing appealing to both sexes, but I have some thoughts surrounding that.

Therefore I’m looking for women of all ages who can help me. I tried this 1-2 weeks ago, but the outcome was no good. Four ladies answered and only two remained after the first response. Now they’ve got the first chapter but none of them have got back to me after reading. Not a success.

So now I’m giving it another try. You can reach me via DM and then you’ll get my e-mail. Please be serious about this. I’d really appreciate your help.