Getting Head From [M]y Bitchy Co-worker[F]

This happened just this past weekend. Over the semester, I’ve been spending time with this girl named Kelly. We only have 2 things in common, the fact that we worked in the same lab on campus, and that we live on the same floor of the same apartment building. If it wasn’t for the combination of those facts, Kelly and I never would’ve even talked to each other even though we had mutual friends and we both knew of each other vaguely.

We both worked for the same professor in a lab after class for work study; I worked 3:30 to 7:30, and her from 4 to 8. We have no idea why, but our boss claims that its the most efficient schedule. I have a car and drive four minutes to work every day, a trip that’s a 20 minute walk or a 30 minute bus ride because of the geography. During the first couple weeks there were temps of 90+ almost every day, usually with high humidity. So I would park and stroll into work, from AC to AC and Kelly would arrive, inevitably sweating, sometimes through her clothes and I could just tell that it was annoying her. But because she wanted to be at home for prime lunch/siesta hours, she couldn’t be be bothered to leave early either.

I [M] Fucked My Best Friend [F] Over the Summer

Skip to the break if you want to get straight to the action!

Sarah and I were the most unlikely of best friends. She was your typical white girl, born and raised in the exurbs of a major city with both her parents making six figures. I was born and raised in that city, the son of immigrants and the only brown kid hanging out with the black kids. But we both ended up attending our state college where we had the same major and so ended up in the same class freshman year. We became friends when out of sheer randomness we were placed in the same group for a project where we ended up doing all the work.