Mother/Daughter Race to Orgasm [MF]+[MF]

So for those of you that have read one of the stories I’ve shared so far, you’d know that I tend not to embellish and keep the stories fairly straight cut. Even the title of this sounds fake but with some back story (likely a lot of back story sorry) you should be able to follow on pretty well.

I’ll start by saying this was with my Ex-fiancé not my current fiancé, so let’s just call her Hannah to make it easy. Hannah was (is) very close to her mum (sorry I’m an Aussie I’m spelling it mum) to the point where she would prioritise her mother over her friends and, leading to our downfall eventually, her relationships. I’ll admit during our relationship I had rose-tinted glasses for her, but once broken up I could see how toxic their relationship was. Hannah would essentially be bitchy to her friends, often on her mums advice, until they stopped talking to her then always had her mum to come back to before the cycle would repeat when she met new friends.

Sucking [M]y [F]iancé’s Breast in View of Her Best [F]riend While Her Hubby Slept

In my previous story (check my profile if you’re interested – I think it’s a good read) I mentioned that currently my sex life is pretty poor and I might get laid once every three months. This story expands on a naughty situation I got into this last weekend which has awakened a bit of a weird desire that has been dormant for some time (I will get to these stories, they were with my ex and I’m currently doing a lot of work and other writing). There is a distinct lack of sex here – sorry everyone but I thought some might like the story nonetheless. Please let me know if there is interest for more.

So basically my fiance (25F) and I (26M) were invited to a couple’s house to blow off some steam Friday night. The husband (28M – let’s call him Matt) is one of my best mates and his wife (24F – let’s call her Kate) is one of my fiancé’s best friends so we typically hang out once a month or more and get along great.

Alcohol and Mentioning Another Woman Leads to Best Sex in a Long Time [MF]

I was saving this for my cake day for the shameless karma grab but figured since I haven’t written like this for a few years I’d try to get it down while it is still semi-fresh. This will likely be long and is not dripping with sex (although there was dripping involved) and realistically I should probably post in relationship advice without the sex but here goes…

I’ll preface the story with some history. I’ve (26M) been engaged for about 3 years to my fiance (25F) while being together for a total of 5 years. The first year we would have sex/make love typically 4 times a day when we were together (every second day), scaling back to 3 times a day average when we moved in together. I should mention this is oral (me giving to her mostly – she’s not very good at and doesn’t overly enjoy giving head) and vaginal sex, my partner always said she didn’t want to try anal, and when she is not horny she doesn’t give blowjobs or handjobs which sucks in the upcoming dry spells.