Car sex, the best end ever. MF

This is my first time posting, sorry for any typos. I discovered this subreddit as well as /r/nsfwiama and /r/sluttyconfessions and I never knew reading would be such an incredible turn on for me. I love picturing you all and it allows me to use my mind's eye instead of drooling over a screen or trolling around the web until I find a girl that looks just right (compared to the other 10-15 I've likely just looked at).

Anyway, this was a couple years back and everything here is true. I was born in Portland, Oregon and was dating a girl I met in my final year of college. However, she had a year left and I got a job in Los Angeles that I couldn't pass on. We promised to visit each other frequently.

One of the visits, she went to San Francisco and stayed the night with her grandmother. The next day, I made the six hour drive to her and picked her up to take back to LA.