[MF] Fucked my best friends mom

So I made this account literally just to share this experience because it’s just so insane for me. So I am 21. I’ve known my best friend for 7 years, and even though he’s moved to a different city we’re still amazing friends and play video games online and hangout everyday when he comes to visit. Anyways, so by association I’ve know his mom by the same amount of years. I’m so close to his family I still occasionally play basketball with her husband even though my friend doesn’t even live here anymore.

For purposes of making this story smoother we will call my friends mom tiffany. So tiffany cleans houses and takes care of dogs for rich people while there away. As a result she occasionally sleeps at a mansion by herself for 3 nights in a row. For the past two weeks she’s been texting me to come over and chill out and keep her company and drink. Now this would be totally normal for us with one exception, it would be just us 2. So I found that bit off. Her texting was also slightly flirtatious, she would even send me pictures of her sitting in the pool holding a margarita with her thighs showing. This is when I started thinking, wtf is going on. Obviously I knew it was flirting but at the same time I thought no fucking way is she trying to fuck, im her son’s best friend, I know her husband, like I had reasonable doubt here.