Addicts and Enablers [FM]

It’s just after 3 a.m. and I hear the front door open and close softly. The lock turns. My dog’s tail thumps on his bed as she passes by. She barely acknowledges him.

She slips into my bedroom through the open door. It’s dark, but the city’s lights filter in through the open blinds. I pretend I’m asleep, hoping that just maybe she’ll turn around and walk out while silently willing her to stay.

I’m on my side, facing away from the door, so she can’t see my face. It’s early summer, so the window is open and I’m sleeping naked under nothing but a sheet. A zipper is undone. Leather boots clump softly on the hardwood floor as they’re removed. There’s the swish of fabric as she pulls off her dress.

Her scent is in the air. Musky perfume, smoke from whatever bar she was in, whiskey.

Still, I pretend to sleep. I want her to go. I don’t know if I can do this again.

I am also hard. So hard. My cock is throbbing for her. My body wants what my rational mind knows it shouldn’t.

One night with a coworker [m/f]

“I just want to feel you,” she breathed. “Please, I just need to feel you inside me. It’s our last chance. I want you to show me what you know.”

We were just inside her hotel room. The door had barely closed behind us and her hands were fumbling at my belt, while I kissed her deeply between her words. It was late and we had been drinking for a while in the hotel bar. I could taste the cosmopolitans on her lips as they met mine and her tongue as it slid into my mouth.

When we got to the room, I had been dressed in a suit, but my jacket was now crumpled on the floor. My tie was next to it and my shirt was untucked and partially unbuttoned. Her skirt was hiked over her hips and my hands were on her ass, pulling her as close to me as I could. Her blouse was already partially unbuttoned and I could see the silky, lacy white bra underneath.

I knew this was wrong, but I didn’t care. This was something I had wanted for a long time.

My Affair: The Party, Part I (M/F)

This is the fourth in a series. You can read the first three parts here, here and here.

“Soooo … I’ve been invited to a party.”

The message popped up on my screen with no warning. I had been online waiting for Rachel for several hours, but it was getting late and I was about to sign off thinking she wasn’t going to make it on tonight.

I was a little confused by the message. We have a large circle of friends and there’s a party or gathering of some kind just about every weekend if you want to attend. The fact that she had been invited to a party wasn’t in any way remarkable. However, I knew there must be more to this, so I decided to inquire further.

“Oh?,” I replied. “Whose party? I know that Will was thinking of getting some people together, but I don’t think we’re planning on going.”

“No, this isn’t Will’s party,” she wrote. “This is different.”

The then started telling me about her friend Jenn. Apparently I wasn’t the only one that Rachel had been talking to about her sexual frustrations, fantasies and desires. She had been confiding in Jenn, as well. In fact, Jenn knew all about what Rachel and I had been up to these last few months.

My Affair: The First Broken Rule [M/F]

This is the third in a series. You can read the first two parts here and here.

My wife and I had been at the club for a little over 30 minutes. It was still relatively early on a Saturday night and there were just a few people there with us. More friends would be arriving soon, but only one was truly on my mind. Rachel would be here any moment and my heart was pounding.

It would be the first time we’d seen each other in public with our significant others since we began our affair. She was nervous, too, and had been texting me all day. On one hand, we were both aroused at the thought of having to pretend there was nothing going on; that we hadn’t been intimate; that we hadn’t already broken our first rule. On the other, we both knew the danger if anyone found out.

Over the last five weeks, we had settled into something of a routine. Everything seemed to be going as planned, but looking back now I can see that escalations in our behavior started almost immediately. We weren’t breaking rules, but we were pushing the boundaries almost from the start.

[M/F] My Affair: The Rules

This is the second in what is likely to be quite a lengthy series. You can read the first part here.

Rachel was naked, kneeling in front of me, her skin a creamy white in the pale light of the streetlamps coming through the sheer curtains. Her eyes were a little glassy from the booze and her lips were glazed. I was sitting on her couch, my own clothes in a pile on the floor near the front door. It was late in the evening and we had been out at a club with friends. My wife was away at a conference and Rachel's husband was out of town for work.

My cock was hard and still wet with her saliva. It had been seven months since that first night.

She crawled into my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me close. She smelled so good. Our bodies pressed together, I could feel her trembling. We kissed deeply. She straddled me, her pussy achingly close to the tip of my now throbbing cock. She rubbed it there for a moment, riding the shaft against her clit. I could feel her warmth and wetness and I was getting lost in desire for her.

My Affair: The Beginning

I’ve known Rachel for quite some time. We met via a group of social media enthusiasts back in 2007 when Tweet-Ups were still a thing. She and my wife hit it off pretty well and soon we were hanging out with Rachel and her husband quite a bit. They’re about our age, a little younger. Rachel is a grad student. Her husband works in IT. She’s very cute, in fact she looks a bit like my ex-girlfriend Laura (see my previous stories for some info on her).

Rachel has smaller breasts, but they’re perkier than Laura’s. Her skin is pale, her hair a lighter brown and her eyes a wistful blue. She’s not as curvy through the hips, but her legs are longer.

She’s one of those people who has very little in the way of a filter on her brain. No subject is taboo. She talks openly about just about everything from her bathroom habits to how many times she’s been caught masturbating by her parents, her brothers, her college roommates and a neighbor. I find it refreshing. My wife, on the other hand, isn’t quite so open. She thinks Rachel is a little weird. She likes her, but sometimes the conversations make her blush.