Pushing Her Limits [Hotwife] [MC] – Part 2

Here’s part two of this. Again… this thread is completely open to suggestions as I’m still bonking this thing out. Anything on your mind to happen to Susan?


“You’re not seriously taking me in here, are you?” Susan exclaims at the sight of the building we just pulled into the parking lot for.

“Yep, it’s couples night and there’ll be entertainment for men AND women there!”

“Male and female strippers, eh? In the same titty bar? Interesting.”

“Let’s go, you’re gonna have a great time.”

We get in the club and head to the bar, Susan is standing next to me, surveying the stages where the dancers are doing their thing. There are 5 stages that have women dancing and one that has a single man dancing there. The place is pretty full, even more full than the last bar we were at. The noise level is almost deafening, between the hoots and hollering over the dancers and the music, it’s no wonder that anyone can exchange words between them. I grab our drinks and we head over to a single open table, halfway between one of the male dancer’s stage and a female’s stage.

Pushing Her Limits [Hotwife] [MC]

This is my first story on Reddit, I’ve gone back and forth on whether or not to post this half of the story. I’ve gotten pretty far on this one, should I publish a part 2? If I don’t get any answers, I’ll just figure it wasn’t meant to be and just let the story hang and not work on it anymore. Since it’s unfinished, is there a direction I should go?

~@~@~Pushing Her Limits~@~@~

“I’ll bet the Rangers do beat the Mighty Ducks,” I say confidently.

“I think you’re crazy, there’s no way the Rangers will beat the Ducks,” Susan says as the points a red nailed finger at me. “The Ducks look fantastic this year and they’ve already beaten the Rangers once, so why wouldn’t they do it again?”

“Because it’s hockey, darling. Anything can happen on any particular night.”

She’s always been a big hockey fan, but I had no idea she felt this confident about it. She also seemed oddly aggressive as well. I start to wonder how far I could push her with her confidence. “Want to make a little wager? If you’re so damn sure that the Ducks are going to win, let’s make a little bet.”