The time I [F] was the fourth in a threesome. [FFM] [FF] (long)

So this is a fun story for me to tell. It was one of those times I saw an opportunity, took a chance and it wound up paying off for everyone involved. For those who haven’t read my other stories, I’m Carla (hi!) and the first other star today is Emily. At this time, Emily was a friend with benefits who was more on the friend side than benefits side. We’d hooked up twice but mostly hung out and had grown kind of close. She was a plump girl, I hesitate to guess a side or weight. Just know she was a step or two up from thick and had the tits, ass and thighs that go with the body type. She had dyed dark redish hair down past her shoulders, huge brown eyes and a pretty face though wore a bit much eyeliner for my taste truth be told.

Now as I said, we’d already hooked up a few times and off the back of that had some fun discussions about kinks and the like. Of those she’d mentioned, the ones relevant today were the want to be used freely, almost passively as well as the fairly common want to be fucked by a stranger.

[FF] A follow up with my (allegedly) straight friend

[First post](

So, after the night you all enjoyed hearing about so much, we cuddled some more and I spent the night in Chloes’s bed. No funny business took place and it was actually all quite sweet. Things were less awkward in the morning than they had any right to be. We each had a bit of a giggle and I eventually went back to my room and we went about our lives. We did text a *lot* more after that. She reaffirmed that she wasn’t gay or even bi but that doing stuff with girls just fell on that weird grey area. The one where she doesn’t *actually* enjoy it, but gets off on being forced to do it. At least, that’s what she thought but couldn’t be certain. We didn’t broach the subject again for some time and I figured that was that.

[FF] Helping my (allegedly) straight friend after a break up.

Hi guys, I’m newly single and looking for somewhere to channel my sexual energy which is why i find myself here. The whole story has been typed on my phone over a few days, sometimes at work or whenever i can sneak 5 minutes to myself. Sorry if its a bit rambley at times or if the grammer and formatting is a mess.

So for a little background, both myself (Carla) and my friend (Chloe) were around 22 at the time of this story. We are both on the shorter side, her a blonde, myself a brunette. I’d describe myself as slim with a few curves, her as a bit more curvy, but certainly not approaching chubby or fat (a point worth remembering for later) though she was far more blessed in the chest so to speak. Fill in the blanks as you like guys, we all know that’s not why you’re here.