I fucked a college girl nearly half [M]y age.

So, I frequent this sub a lot and love some of the content you all provide, hopefully I can give back a little.

I’m happy to say this is all completely true.

So, set the scene, I’m in the states on holiday (vacation) for a friends wedding, a 3 day affair of mostly partying and drinking. The whole thing was pretty casual. Me and one of the brides maids were about the only single people there. I could tell the bride and groom were trying really had to set us up. She was cute but I really wasn’t feeling the vibe for whatever reason, so I took a pass. Could have been some more to the story, but all is not lost.

So I’m on the bus back to Boston, hungover AF feeling drained after the previous 3 days events. I decide to jump on tinder, I’ve been half heartily swiping through the entire trip with little luck. I give a super like a go and end up getting a match.

Anna is a young college girl, 20 years old I’m 32, days away from being 33 and I really can’t believe my luck.