The time I was boyfriend-in-residence for a bunch of young nurses [MF] x 24

This was one of those weird situations you’re gonna think I made up. But I’m going back 35 years here.

I had this job that sent me to this remote town for two or three nights once a month. The town had about 4,000 people but it was a hub for a huge empty area. It had a modern hospital and other amenities you wouldn’t think such a small place would have.

The bars and the people were pretty drab. But one night, there was a lively bunch of young women. I don’t mind admitting I’m kind of a weird guy. I often ran experiments on myself. I had, previously to going on this job, some close calls with dangerously psycho girls, sex diseases, and surprise boyfriends who chat about murder. I wondered if I could be like this 13th Century saint dude I was reading and go straight from waking up in a different bed every morning to no physical contact at all.

Of course, floating around in this empty landscape tipped the scales in favour of success. Unless I was going to fuck Mother Nature by digging a hole in the ground, there wasn’t a lot of temptation. So when I spied these eight women, I thought “Challenge accepted.”

She swallowed [MF]

I was a freshman. I was walking through the student union building. I saw a circle of jocks with their shoulders curled over like vultures hanging from a branch eyeing meat below. In the middle was Tanya.

Tanya was in my psych class. She’d catch me staring at her, but I’d catch her looking too. Her eyes were pale blue with dark outlines. She had a tall forehead. Her skin was so clear, it looked like alabaster. Her straight blonde hair made her glow white hot.

One day I took a short cut to the parking lot through the stadium. I was startled by Tanya’s voice. It was painful for me to be around girls I liked. She was in a sports team uniform. I saw her as something that emerged from a pool fully formed and untouched by wind, sun or dust. Her wrists and ankles looked too breakable to be involved with sports.

I asked her what was she waiting for. She said, “My roommate. I think she forgot to pick me up.” She pointed at two large duffle bags.

“It’s the whole crew’s outfits,” she said. “My turn to do laundry.” She shrugged and laughed.

Super hot business chick just went nuts on me [MF]

My car broke down and I had to book a hotel room in the middle of nowhere. A woman got off the elevator at the same floor. She wore grey high heels, grey stockings, a grey skirt, a grey business jacket, a button-up black shirt, and a light pink scarf. She had dark-rim glasses and her jet-black hair was tied tightly back. She was maybe 30 or 32, fit and tall. She looked fierce, like she ate raw flesh for breakfast. You could cut yourself on her jaw line.

I felt awkward walking in front of her in the same direction she walked. She stomped more than walked. Under pressure, I got confused by the room numbers and stopped and started. She shot past me like a low-flying fighter jet and said, “I sure hope they didn’t give us the same room.” We both laughed, but they were completely different kinds of laughs. It turned out her room was directly across the hallway from mine.

Possessed Japanese girl fucked my brains out by night but looked so professional by day [MF]

I got a phone call I couldn’t understand because it was Japanese. Then the voice hit me. Kyoko. I pieced together that she got to spend a year of university in Sacremento and that she used her boss’s connection to my driver to get my phone number. She had a week off and wanted to come to Seattle. She gave me her flight info. It was in a few days.

She was dressed formally, as though it was a business meeting. I tried to ask what her plans were. Nothing was clear and I didn’t want her to feel unwelcome. The language barrier was worse than I thought and she was extremely shy. We hardly said anything in my car. She was embarrassed but I chalked that up to her being Japanese and a guest. I brought her to my place.

I made dinner. She tried to be helpful cleaning up and I felt guilty so I said, “Wait in there,” pointing to my open bedroom door. I had a living room that I could have asked her to wait in but now it was too awkward to change.

She put on fuck shows for me across the alley [MF]

I lived in an apartment in the attic of an old house. Across the alley was a three floor walkup. My kitchen window was the only one that could see into the top corner apartment.

A young couple moved in. I piled books up against my window. If they checked who could watch them, they would see one window and nothing but a stack of books piled up behind it. I removed, one book, leaving me a slot to look through.

They didn’t have furniture. They didn’t have curtains. One evening, when they got home — and they always got home really late and together, as though they worked at a bar together — they dragged the mattress from the bedroom out to the living room so they could watch TV on it. Their lights were out, but in the occasional flicker of TV light, I could see they weren’t watching the show. Her feet dangled in the air and I could see his blue-lit ass between them. Later I could see her swaying back and her shoulders pushed up riding him hard.

She fucked him in the tent so hard she pushed right against me [MFM]

Keith suggested camping. There was one big tent. He seemed keen to make sure Joanne was going, and Joanne seemed to be making sure I was going. It looked like all four of us guys and her were in, but by the time Saturday came, it was down to just Keith, Joanne and myself. I tried to back out but Joanne wouldn’t let me. I was curious about why. I was trying to gauge Keith on this, but I couldn’t read anything.

I was staying in a cabin outside a small town with four student friends. We were looking for summer work. Joanne, the one girl, was from Quebec. The way she talked so openly about private things made the rest of us embarrassed and she would laugh at us for it. She was so free, and years ahead of us in ways.

She wore long brown hair that hung around her shoulders like a shining curtain or a cape. She couldn’t talk without it sounding like breathy porn and she couldn’t smile without it looking like everything had a hidden sexual meaning.

The time I had a one-night-stand affair [MF]

I once had a private online conversation for two years with a woman who was also married. We never exchanged photos or phone calls.

Katey suggested we meet. When we got past the nerves, we settled on a little town nestled in the mountains where both of us were sure no one knew us. She rented the room and texted me. Number 12 at an Econo 6 on the way in.

I parked well away from the door. I hesitated, unsure this was truly a Rubicon I wanted to cross. I blocked my worries and charged across the parking lot. I didn’t knock. It glided open. Standing behind it was a beautiful woman in her 30s.

It could have been anything standing inside. She must have been thinking the same thing because she sighed in relief. She had mousy blonde hair that fell straight to half way down her back and glowing pale skin. She was filled out, but fit. She smiled and nodded at me and I nodded back. She began unbuttoning her shirt. I followed suit, move for move. We were soon facing each other naked.

Two girls were left all alone by their boyfriends [FMF]

Two young women came down the hotel hallway toward us. My buddy said, “Last call was 10 minutes ago.” They stopped in their tracks and groaned. He showed them our bag of beers and nodded toward my door. I already had it open.

One, Charlene, was a brunette, lean, and quiet, and the other, Sharon, was a dirty blonde, chunky, and loud. I was trying to get to know the quiet one. At one point she needed to go back to their room for something. My buddy asked if he could go with her. She shrugged and said “Alright.”

I thought my buddy was honing in on the loud girl and she must have thought the same thing, because after the door closed and the room fell quiet, she said, “Guess you’re stuck with me.”

Sharon said they were missing their boyfriends. She quickly followed up with how their boyfriends just left them there and went to work on the ships, so what were they supposed to do? I said that was funny, because my buddy and me were put in the hotel to wait for a flight for our ship.

What I saw in the back of my limo #2 [MF]

I was waiting at the airport for a trip downtown. A young couple came racing out hand in hand and flew straight into my open back door. I grabbed my sign and drove away.

They were already making out by the time I dropped the stick to drive. They both seemed about 28. He was jocular and she looked athletic. He was in khaki shorts and buttoned shirt and she was in a tightly hugging grey knit tube that went up her neck and left her shoulders bare.

He finally called out an address deep in the west end. I took the opportunity to get a big long look in the rear view. She held his cheek in her hand and licked all over his face. She had long light brown hair that flew all over him. She had a ring on almost every finger, and a tongue ring too, I noticed. I couldn’t see as low as their waists.

I confirmed the address he gave me.

“Yep,” he said in a rush. He flicked the switch back and forth trying to close the window barrier between us. I explained that it was broken, my apologies.

What I saw in the back of my limo [FM]

I used to drive limousines, the kind you see lined up at the airports. I prided myself on being quiet and smooth. Sometimes I got a call to a house for a ride to a convention center or some kind of event.

A man came out by himself dressed in a tux. He was about 55. He directed me to another house 20 minutes away. A few moments after we stopped, a woman about 33 came out the front door in an evening dress. So did her two kids and her husband. There was a lot of congratulating going on as she tried to leave. She gave her husband a long hug and came to the car. The husband waved like she was leaving for a year.

She was not surprised at the man already in the car. She was on her way to an awards ceremony to do with her work. The man seemed to be a couple rungs up the ladder there. She was nervous but also excited. He appeared cool and relaxed.