[MF][Hyperspermia] Female Icarus (Part 1)

This is going to be a two-parter.

After discovering my…erm, abnormality, I should’ve probably moved to LA and assumed the identity of Dong Juan or something, but I didn’t. Instead, I dated a girl exclusively for almost 2 years. She was my age and had recently just lost her virginity, herself. We engaged in awkward young relationship sex, growing comfortable with our bodies. She had no real frame of reference for the size of your standard cumload, so she just assumed that was par for the course, I guess.

One summer, she went home and wound up transferring. We agreed to break up, leaving me (21) single and confident for the first time in my life.

A few days after the breakup, I was invited to see a friend’s band play. The music was awful but it was nice to see many of the friends I had made in college outside the context of my girlfriend. One of those people being my friend, Kate (21 or 22), a cool, intelligent blonde.

I had met Katie the year before as a friend of a friend. She was more supremely confident than cute, which I found insanely attractive. She came onto me the first time we met, and didn’t buy the resistance of me having a girlfriend until she actually met my girlfriend.

[MF] How I discovered my hyperspermia

The average volume of male ejaculate is 5 mL, roughly 1 teaspoon. Those who consistently produce 10+ mL are afflicted/blessed with a condition known as hyperspermia. Also “heavy cummer” or rather, “WOW, that’s a lot of cum”.

I’ve found, living with this has led to several interesting stories. Let’s start with the first one.

Now, I was raised by a devout woman, and while, sure, I masturbated here and there, I was extremely naive when it came to anything sex. I avoided all overtures of sexual contact for fear of burning in hell. Then, I got to college and it just seemed like everyone was fucking and I mean, everyone. Even my 300 lb roommate appeared to be sleeping with a new girl every week.

So it was the spring semester of my freshman year, and I (19) had pretty much given up on the notion I was going to be a virgin until I was married. Only issue was, going from nothing to perpetually surrounded by sex, can create a lot of anxiety about the matter.