Birthday girl (M/f) (BDSM)

She stirred, a quiet dreaming moan punctuating the muted clink of metal chain links under the comforter. She was chained, as always, in Master’s bed, sleeping on her side facing away from him. He was propped up on one elbow with his free hand exploring her body possessively. He brushed his fingers between her legs, pleased to find her smooth cunt wet and dripping as always.

His slave, his property was a marvelous creature he mused. There were many reasons this was so, and one of them was her body’s ability, trough training and conditioning and natural propensity, to remain in a steady and constant state of arousal. There were two purposes to this condition, neither of which were related to her pleasure. No, he had trained her body to be always ready and available to receive his cock (or anything else) in it’s various holes with as little discomfort or effort on his part as possible. Second, a permanent state of need kept his property always eager to serve and obey.

Vignette III [M/f] [D/s]

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

“Sshh,” he said soothingly. Tenderly stroking her sweat dampened hair he said in a near whisper, his face close to hers, “you’re doing so well, sweet slave. I’m so proud of my property.”

She mewled quietly, the sound muffled by the large ball gag that filled her mouth. The steady flow from her nose and stretched mouth made her hard, panting breaths sound wet and coated her face in a beautiful, glistening mask of humiliating filth.

Behind their quiet exchange they both heard the background drone of the remote vibrator buzzing steadily against her clit punctuated with metallic clinks and wooden thumps as she vainly tried to escape the vibrator’s delicious torment. Her wrists and ankles were cuffed to hooks on the table, with chains over her waist, chest and thighs. Though she could shift slightly, the vibrator was firmly attached and maintained an even, inescapable pressure against her wet, swollen clit.

Vignette II [M/f] [D/s]

He watched in wonder as it came to him. He never tired of watching it, as it moved, as it stood, as it slept, as it served and suffered. His fascination only grew over time, every day was a revelation, a new surprising discovery of the pleasure and entertainment that his property was capable of providing. No, not just capable, but eager and desperate to provide.

He watched, not just enjoying the delightful display but also studying with intensity, appraising every detail of its appearance, assessing every movement. Were it’s nipples erect, brushing the floor at exactly the right depth? Did its tits, hanging beneath it, sway in matching, simultaneous rhythm? Were the fingers of each hand spaced exactly and evenly when placed on the floor?

His expectations were demanding and precise, and he had invested countless hours instilling them into his property through exhaustive repetition, harsh punishment and, when earned, even reward. He reflected momentarily on what had been accomplished, the lump of clay he had taken possession of and molded, sculpted through patience, discipline and hard work into the exquisite creature before him.

Vignette [D/s] [M/f]

It came to him silently, gracefully, eagerly. It came to him on it’s hands and knees, driven by need and summoned by the irresistible magnetic force between them, the halo of control and power and desire that kept it orbiting around the nucleus of him, it’s owner, it’s keeper, it’s reason for being and upon whom itIt came to him silently, gracefully, eagerly. It came to him on it’s hands and knees, driven by need and summoned by the irresistible magnetic force between them, the halo of control and power and desire that kept it orbiting around the nucleus of him, it’s owner, it’s keeper, it’s reason for being and upon whom it bestowed it’s worship and devotion.

He relaxed, his muscles and tendons loosening as the tension of the outside world began to fade, being replaced by the familiar contentment that came with discarding the roles he was forced to play out there, outside this place, away from it. His blood began to rush, anticipating the euphoria that would soon take the place of contentment, and he slowed his breathing, controlling it, knowing there was plenty of time and opportunity to let the euphoria build, to unlock his own cage, the cage in which he willingly kept the beast confined until the time was right.

Vignette [D/s] [M/f]

It came to him silently, gracefully, eagerly. It came to him on it’s hands and knees, driven by need and summoned by the irresistible magnetic force between them, the halo of control and power and desire that kept it orbiting around the nucleus of him, it’s owner, it’s keeper, it’s reason for being and upon whom it bestowed it’s worship and devotion.

He relaxed, his muscles and tendons loosening as the tension of the outside world began to fade, being replaced by the familiar contentment that came with discarding the roles he was forced to play out there, outside this place, away from it. His blood began to rush, anticipating the euphoria that would soon take the place of contentment, and he slowed his breathing, controlling it, knowing there was plenty of time and opportunity to let the euphoria build, to unlock his own cage, the cage in which he willingly kept the beast confined until the time was right.

Categorized as Erotica