Anita(F42), Adam(M22), Betsy(F34) slowburn.. (threesome)(NSFW)(adultery, cheating)

Anita used to have lunch at work with Adam, Frank and Betsy. Other colleagues would some times join. Frank was out of town this week. During a casual conversation at lunch Adam asked if Anita or Betsy had any thing interesting going on. Betsy just shook her head “just the same monotonous picking up kids and helping them, just parenting stuff”. Adam looked at Anita, “you are a parent that leads a very exciting life, you should tell her about the crazy weekend at work with me n Chris”, Anita was surprised that he brought it up in front of Betsy, but was not upset, she was close with Betsy and had revealed to her in private about briefly getting involved with Adam.
“Oh my interest peaks, spill the beans dear” said Betsy. Anita gave her a naughty smile while she kicked Adam from under the table, “Ouch, stop kicking me” he said. “Stop bringing these up or they will stop happening” she commented. Adam was pleasantly surprised, he thought she was upset with him about that day and wouldn’t indulge again with him, she had already broken up with him before and they had been on n off. “You mean this can happen again?” he gasped. She instantly regretted saying it. “No, It will not” she said. Betsy had a quizzical look for Anita.
“Well, there was no one at work at least we thought so, and got a little carried away, I was topless with Adam, Chris suddenly walked up to my desk. What you both don’t know is what happened with Chris this past weekend.”said Anita.
Betsy was looking at Adam, “looks like you are still getting lucky with Anita. That must have been crushing to get caught by Chris, nice guy but he does sometimes give an odd look, say more Anita, what followed”. “You met Chris again this weekend?, You horny girl” said Adam. “Don’t talk to me like that, I’m your manager” Anita said still smiling looking at Adam, as if she wanted him to tease her more. “I’m so turned on by this conversation, my husband is going to get lucky tonight” said Betsy. “Let me know, if your husband doesn’t quench your thirst, there are many colleagues here that would love to get a shot with you” said Adam. Betsy playfully slapped his shoulder n said “always a tease you are, continue Anita, he is never going to stop passing comments ”
Anita: “Chris has been pressuring me to a brunch or lunch with him, since the incident, he says it’s not a romantic date but wants to get closer to me. So finally I have in and called him home for a Sunday breakfast when Garin’s also at home. But soon after Chris arrived Garin had to step out to buy a used lawn mower from some guy. Devon our neighbor’s boy (19yr) was helping with the yard, I called him in for breakfast, but after he came in, things got weird n Chris basically got things riled up that led to me n Devon having sex in front of Chris.”
“Ooh my queen bitch, I am soo horny for you right now” said Adam . His hand had already started to climb up her skirt under the table. “Get a room you two, it’s fairly obvious” Betsy said her eye pointing in the direction of where Adams hand was under Anita’s skirt. Anita: “meet in the car 5 mins?” Betsy:”I’d loan you my SUV if I got to watch it”. Both Anita and Adam looked at Betsy shocked, Betsy was a prude. “I am extremely turned on as well” said Betsy. “Alright see you both in 5 at her SUV” said Anita wrapping up her lunch.
Betsy’s heart was racing, she had never stepped outside her marriage, not even watched a porn since being married to her husband. Now she was going to go see her friend have sex with a junior colleague, she always thought Anita was too aggressive and loved the excitement she would bring, but today was crossing some boundaries. She was scared that someone at work or her husband may find out. Her hands were sweating but she quickly wrapped up and left for her desk to get the keys.
Adam n Anita were already at the SUV. Betsy unlocked, “where do we drive to” she asked. Anita got in the passenger seat and said “there is a old Comcast building at the end of the adjacent road, that lot is usually all empty”. Adams hands reached for Anita’s boobs, “have a little more patience young dick, let’s at least get out of the parking lot” said Anita. As Betsy pulled into the road, Anita started to unbutton Betsy’s skirt on the side. Adam was staring at Betsy’s waist, “hungry for new, I see” said Anita looking at Adam. “Always hungrier for your cunt” said Adam. They quickly reached the abandoned parking lot.
Anita got off the SUV, as did everybody, Betsy said she will fold all the back seats so theres easy open space. Anita n Adam were kissing next to the car.

Chapter 9: Anita (F42yr) fucks young neighborhood boy (M19 yr) [NSFW, MILF, threesome, consensual]

Devon is a young boy 19 year old from the neighborhood, Anita has known him since he was 9-10 yrs of age. He’s always been eager to help Anita n Garin with yard work and small diy projects around the house. Anita feels comfortable around him as she’s known him for so long, she doesn’t care to dress up fully when he’s around, never naked or exposed but often in long t-shirts n panty or nightgown. Devon ofcourse loves to steal glances of Anita when he’s helping, Anita knows.

Chris has been longing to meet Anita outside work since the time when he saw Anita topless at work. Anita tells him she wants to continue staying friends and doesn’t want to change their relationship to a romantic one, n that she won’t fuck him. Chris says he feels the same but wants to be closer friends.

Chapter 4c: Ravi helps Anita get over Adam (F42, M42, M38)

Recap: Anita(42F) has been fucking Adam(22M), that initially started with her cheating on her husband Garin, but she continues to have sex n has Garin watch n join while she fucks Adam. Adam n Anita work together at a research facility, Adam has been getting too bold n taking her for granted when they are with their colleagues that Anita hates.

Ravi (M38, about 5.6 ft tall) is my tennis buddy. Nice guy, expensive taste in everything. His gf is Hema. The 4 of us have played doubles tennis a few times recently. Hema however was laid off n her work visa cancelled. She is back in India since about a month n trying to get a US job that will sponsor her visa back to US.

After Adam left (after fucking Anita at home, the evening we visited bowling alley), she cuddled with me as we slept. She said she wanted to break up with Adam, he was starting to get disrespectful towards her n folks at work had started to guess that Adam was fucking her. So the very next day she told him that she didn’t want to continue fucking him that the 8 months sex vacation had to end.

Chapter 4b: Anita is exposed at bowling [F42, M22, M48, M36, F46]

It was Friday, my wife called me in the afternoon, and said she n her colleagues were meeting for bowling night, asked me to join them at 7:00 pm. Kids were going to be picked up by the babysitter n spend the evening with her.

I got dressed, t-shirt and khakis, went to Snakes head bowling alley in downtown. The place was dim, colored lights flashed around, the eyes quickly got adjusted n I could see again.

I saw a familiar gentleman Jake. Jake was the director of research on a parallel team at my wife’s company, he was about 48 years, was a very close friend of Anita. He had gone through a divorce n I had seen conversations where he n Anita would talk about why his marriage was failing n who he has been dating since etc. He had an affair with another colleague Sally [F46]. Sally was seated next to him, she’s married to an Asian man, who rarely shows up to these events as he is typically taking care of their daughter. Sally has a good frame, wide shoulders n about 5’10 tall.

Chapter 4a: Anita makes me a cuck [M22, F42, M44]

Anita told me that in the spirit of transparency, that she is missed fucking Adam n he’s getting restless as well at work, that colleagues are taking notice of their dynamics. She says she’ll get Adam home to fuck him in the guest room. I told her I didn’t like it as we have kids at home, she said they would only fuck after the kids are asleep and the guest room n kids room are far apart n don’t share any walls. (The master has a common wall each with the guest n kids room)

The following day Anita n Adam came home early from the lab, I was in my home office. I heard her saying Adam to slow down. I went to the living room where the noise was from. Adam was carrying her, holding her butt (his hands were inside her skirt, she was facing him n her top n bra were on the floor. When they saw me Adam just smiled, Anita said don’t look upset baby, you n Adam have already seen me naked so this isn’t much new, n the kids are still at school. I said move it to the room.

Chapter 6: Anita’s weekend with Adam picks up steam. [F42 M22]

So on Friday, I dropped Anita at JFK, she was going to meet Adam n they were flying out to Tampa n sail from there. She was super excited as she gave me a quick peck on the cheek n thanked me for giving her the weekend, she said this is a final final breakup with Adam after this weekend. She said she agreed to this because he was feeling down after his breakup with his new gf.

She sent me a couple of pics after they got to a hotel from the balcony.. wearing a sheer dress high slit on the sides n deep top n backless. She said Adam brought it to her as gift. She said they would start on the yacht on Saturday early morning.

They went out to some drinks n dinner at night. Adam is about 5″6, very muscular, looks like abercrombie model. He was in awe when he saw her in that sheer green dress, but apparently was disappointed that she was wearing bra n panties under it. She said he pleaded her to take them off but she didn’t oblige.

Chapter 1: Redefining marriage

I met my wife in 2008, she was engaged to her bf, but there was incredible chemistry between us when we met. We met in Connecticut at a mutual friends place, she was mischievous and hot, and I was “all in”, she was attracted to how committed I was to making it work between us. She broke up her engagement and we started dating, it was long distance I was in CT and she was in NC (Charlotte).

Eventually by 2013 we got married, there are some stories about our time between 2008 n 2013 – we fucked in the car, fingered on the plane, groped each other at restaurants, got caught fucking by my roommate, she sent her nudes to her ex that almost broke our engagement, many more, but that’s for another time. We were crazy about each other, we had our first child in 2015, that was the first time in since 2008 when we had not had sex at least twice a week.

chapter 5: wife’s ex-bf invites her on a yatch

My wife’s ex-bf who she broke up with 2 months ago, reached out to her last Monday and said he wants her to go with him on a private yatch! She used to tell me that he’s still infatuated and she’s been ignoring his advances to patch up all this while.

A bit of background: My wife is the director of research at a biotech company, she hired a young college grad about a year ago to help her with lab work. The boy (about 22 yrs) and my wife (42 yr) had started an affair, the affair lasted about 6 months then when I caught her, the breakup itself took about 2 more months. Since the last 2 months they have been separate.

So since they broke up in early May, he’s tried to woo her a couple of times before finally finding a girl his age. Last Monday, he told my wife that he had booked a private yatch with a 1 person crew (captain/chef) to take his gf, but that she broke up with him just before the planned weekend. He told her, that it’s the most expensive spend he has made n is not going to get a refund for it, it was a use it or lose it deal. So he asked my wife to go along with him, a final weekend of fun for old times sake.