That time I [F] a Canadian, met a guy in Australia and then went on a trip with him to Hawaii.

[This is my side of these events. M said he would post his side shortly.]

A few years ago, I was on a trip to Australia to go diving on the great barrier reef. Had always been a bucket list item and I finally got to do it. A few days later I was in Sydney. It happened to be Valentines day and I was lonely and bored so went on Tinder and quickly matched with a cute pilot, M. M was in Sydney for a work trip and was leaving the next day.

He convinced me to go out for dinner with him and we honestly had a good time. Chatting about a mutual interest of ours, aviation. One thing leads to another and I ended up at his hotel. Nothing happened that night, but we did chat some more and found out he was planning a trip to Hawaii that next month, and invited me to join him. Free hotel in Hawaii? Fuck yeah!