My [M] returned smile leads to taking another man’s wife

Hello all,

This tale is from about 15 years ago when I used to get the train to work.

Each morning I would rather glumly smoke a cigarette in the station car park as I dreaded the prospect of another day of work. One morning I noticed a rather gorgeous lady join me for a cigarette- about 15 years my senior, brunette, 5’5, slender, deep dark brown eyes and perfectly toned legs.

I acknowledged her with a smile. Over the course of the next few months the smile transformed into a “hello”, an introduction, enquiring about each other’s day or weekend and a general polite conversation and a laugh.

After each interaction I’d see her on the opposite platform, one of us would wave, my eyes would linger and we’d set about our respective commutes.

One morning, bitterly cold, blizzard like conditions we stood in our now customary morning meeting spot and realised that the swathe of cancelled trains meant that we wouldn’t be going to work today.

We walked out from the station and we both turned the same direction she joked “are you following me?”, “Obviously, who wouldn’t?”, I replied.