[F] I (F45) had a secret affair for 8 months. It revitalized my sex life with my husband [PART VII: Denouement]

This is the ongoing saga that I started HERE (https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/u33z2w/f_i_f45_had_a_secret_affair_for_8_months_it/).

So, we’re on my weekend getaway with Keith, the first time we’ve been able to spend a good amount of uninterrupted time together. The best part about having two days and nights to ourselves was having time to take things slow. As much as we had enjoyed and experimented over the months, we were always conscious of the clock. I always had to get home, the most we ever had was two, three hours. That’s more than enough if all you want to do is both get off once or twice and then each go your own way for the night, but it’s definitely not enough for the underrated art of slow sex. One of the things adults lose out on is the patience and leisure to lie around for hours just kissing, cuddling, touching, studying and exploring each other’s bodies. There isn’t much else I miss about sex in high school, but that’s a big one. With experience, you learn to jump straight to what you know feels good. It’s great in some ways, but I have also thought it’d be nice to relive some of that slow exploratory sex too. Anyway, in the days leading up to this getaway I had already told Keith about wanting to spend some lazy hours in this way. As always he was happy to help.

[F] I (F45) had a secret affair for 8 months. It revitalized my sex life with my husband [PART VI: Climax]

This continues my ongoing saga (begin at Part I here: https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/u33z2w/f_i_f45_had_a_secret_affair_for_8_months_it/). I’m doing this to explore and remember my own thoughts, feelings, responses and decisions. If you enjoy reading it, I’m thrilled.

This instalment was harder to write. It took me out of my comfort zone. It was harder to write without getting a bit more explicit, and that’s not my forte or my real interest. But what’s the point of writing if you can’t take on a challenge, as my life writing instructor used to ask (more on her later)? Anyway I hope this new approach doesn’t sacrifice what made people enjoy the previous instalments. But what can I do? I’m trying to be as true as possible to the experience, and Keith and my weekend away was an experience alright.

So Scott was taking the kids out of town for the Easter weekend to see his parents. We decided I’d stay home. It would save money on the flights, and I couldn’t really leave work before late afternoon on Thursday. The best flights were Wednesday night. It was easier for everyone, anyway. Scott’s mother and I don’t really get along that well. It wasn’t the first time we decided it was better if I didn’t join them for the visit. This time, though, I wouldn’t take advantage of my free weekend to get drunk with my girlfriends and watch romcoms.

[F] I (F45) had a secret affair for 8 months. It revitalized my sex life with my husband [PART V: Holding Pattern]

This continues my ongoing saga (begin at Part I here: https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/u33z2w/f_i_f45_had_a_secret_affair_for_8_months_it/). I’m doing this to explore and remember my own thoughts, feelings, responses and decisions. If you enjoy reading it, I’m thrilled.

The first thing I did after that first thrilling encounter at Keith’s place was go back on the pill. It meant that for the next week after the end of my period I insisted that Keith either pull out or wear a condom. So for that week we used the withdrawal method. This way has its own small benefits, but when we finally were able to stop using it safely, after another agonizing weekend apart, the excitement was overwhelming. On that day, when Keith announced that he was going to cum inside me, my immediate reaction was to cum.

And so began a pivotal period of my life. It’s a bit harder to tell stories about it because we quickly developed a kind of routine, though that word makes it sound less thrilling than it felt to experience it. But it’s harder to remember specific incidents or moments because apart from a weekend we got to spend at Keith’s parents’ farmhouse outside the city (without them around), the times we had together stop standing out individually, without the clearly memorable novelty of the first few visits to his apartment.

[F] I (F45) had a secret affair for 8 months. It revitalized my sex life with my husband [PART IV: Awakening]

This continues my ongoing saga (see Part I here: https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/u33z2w/f_i_f45_had_a_secret_affair_for_8_months_it/). I’m doing this to explore and remember my own thoughts, feelings, responses and decisions. If you enjoy reading it, I’m thrilled.

At the end of the previous installment, I had just slept with Keith for the first time. Now it was the weekend and we wouldn’t be able to have a repeat performance until Monday. The weekend was painfully slow in ending. I’d never wanted a Monday morning more than I did that weekend.

But then on Monday morning I woke up to find I had my period. Mostly I was relieved, profoundly relieved. I felt I had dodged a bullet and I resolved to be more careful in the future. I couldn’t deny that there would be a future, now. I had spent all weekend fantasizing, even planning, my next get-together with Keith. So there was also a small, petty part of me that was disappointed to have my period now. I don’t mean part of me wanted to get pregnant with Keith (let’s be real here, that would be 100% terrible for everyone). I just mean that having my period now was an impediment to my plans for that evening. What did it mean for our after-work date? I had made all kinds of plans, the main one of which, apart from fucking again, was to have Keith go down on me. Now both of those were out. Even if Keith didn’t mind, I’m not into period sex.

[F] I (F45) had a secret affair for 8 months. It revitalized my sex life with my husband [PART III: Rising Action]

I found time to write this part of the story last night when the family was sleeping. It’s a continuation from Part II (https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/u3iww0/f_i_f45_had_a_secret_affair_for_8_months_it/) and Part I (https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/u33z2w/f_i_f45_had_a_secret_affair_for_8_months_it/). I found Part III pretty thrilling to relive through words, though I also found it hard. Not emotionally hard, but hard to get over my shyness being frank about sex. Because this is the installment where there starts to be sex. It’s a bit of a hang up, not feeling at ease with sexual words. Don’t ever expect majorly graphic descriptions from me, but I am working on being more comfortable telling it how it was.

Anyway, where were we? Right. Keith has just asked me if I wanted to come in to warm up a bit. I tried not to look shaky or blush when I answered him. I said I wouldn’t say no to a cup of tea or something.

[F] I (F45) had a secret affair for 8 months. It revitalized my sex life with my husband [PART II: Set Up]

*** This is Part 2 of the self-exploration I started writing here: https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/u33z2w/f_i_f45_had_a_secret_affair_for_8_months_it/***

Keith and I didn’t interact much for a while. We talked now and then but mostly during staff meetings or a quick hi in the halls. We talked enough to know we had many opinions in common, but we just didn’t see each other much during the day. The art room was two floors down from my classroom, where I stayed most of the day, even during lunch. I also liked to stay at school late to prepare for the next day, something I know irritated Scott because I was often out till past 6, when the kids started dinner. But I hate bringing work home. Anyway, by the time I would leave school Keith and everyone else were usually gone home.

[F] I (F45) had a secret affair for 8 months. It revitalized my sex life with my husband [PART I: Background]

This is a story I plan on telling slowly and at great length. I’ve already said that this writing is a chance for me to self-examine aspects of my life, particularly but not only the choices, feelings and consequences surrounding my 8 month affair with a younger colleague, which took place about 5 years ago. The short version is that I had a wild affair and never got caught. One of the consequences was feeling guilty ever since, but it’s worth mentioning that I’ve never regretted it. It taught me a lot about myself. It also had a renewing effect on my sex life with my husband, who I love dearly. So before getting to my adventure with Keith, I have to write a bit about my life with my husband Scott.

I met Scott in college. He was that guy, the beautiful carefree man that girls would whisper about. He was tall and strong with black hair and green eyes and crazy long eyelashes. He had an easy way of moving and talking to you. His nickname on campus was obviously Hot Scott. He had a reputation (well-earned) as a player. When we started sleeping together when we were both 23, I honestly couldn’t believe it, though I think I was pretty attractive myself (feels weird to write that). Anyway, I would never ever have believed that we would get married and have two kids. Hot Scott didn’t seem like the marrying type.

[F] I (F45) had a secret affair for 8 months. It revitalized my sex life with my husband.

I want to tell the whole story some time, but right now I just need to get this off my chest. I’m a happily married mom 45yo whose sex life kinda dried up when we were in our late 30s. Small kids, careers, the usual. I’ve always been super against infidelity, but when I was 40 I ended up in a very intense affair with a younger (28) colleague at the school I teach at. It last 8 months and I managed to end it before any one found out.

I felt guilty and still do but the thing is, it completely reinvigorated my sex life with my husband. We’re happier now than ever. So it’s hard to say I regret it. Sometimes I miss it.

NOTE: I posted this initially on r/sluttyconfessions (I’m new at this reddit thing) but I now this this is a better place to tell this story. It’s going to be long. I want to use this forum as a place to examine my own choices, emotions, sensations and so on, and if it interests and/or turns on readers, great.

I’m always happy to entertain questions and conversation but only if it’s respectful and intelligent (that includes being respectful to my husband).