[MF] My Wife’s College Affair, with a Professor

My wife and I are very comfortable and have always been able to talk about out past. I have been a long time lurker and felt it was time to contribute. Here is one of my favorites she has ever told me, it was about an affair with a professor while she was in college. I always have her write these up for me when I am on travel (I travel a lot for my job) so this is from her perspective (an email). (Obviously removed personal info) Scroll down for “Good part”

I was a senior in some advanced psychology courses and I had been asked to be a RA for my applied psychology professor.  I worked collecting and recording data for the grad students research.  About twice a month we would all meet to go over the progress of the research and any changes that were going to be made.  Frequently these meetings would go late and when the building closed up for the night we would often finish up our work ( there we about 5 grad students, the professor, me and one other RA) at the Professor’s home