[FM] Best sex in my life

When I was 18 i have been in Somali on vacation.

I was living in a hotel at the time. There were mostly tourists there. But because it’s extremely dangerous country, there are a lot of guards inside and outside the hotel, big black guys. When I saw them I got so horny. I arranged with one of them to wait for him at night, told him he could take a couple more people if he wanted. He refused at first, but I told him I’d pay him.

Around 10 p.m. there was a knock on the door. By then I couldn’t wait to have sex. I had literally been waiting for it all day. Before that, I took a shower and shaved my pussy. Thinking back on it made me so horny…🤤

I opened the door, and the three of them came in. Each one was about two meters tall, each one was so muscular. As soon as I let them in, they immediately dully got down to business. I gave myself to them completely, totally, it was the best day of my life. Their black dicks were no shorter than 24 centimeters, I remember it like it was a day ago. Thick and long. They fucked me so hard I couldn’t even scream. I felt like the dirtiest whore on the planet at that moment, and I loved it so much.