After the Fall [mf][cons][dirty talk][teasing][still pretty vanilla]

I slowly awoke to clear, frosty, blue eyes watching me. He was stretched out next to me, his head propped up on the palm of his hand, his free hand resting on my belly, a slight grin upon his lips.

“Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?” My body was already singing. Had he been playing with me while I was sleeping? My nipples were already achy and I felt yearning in my center.

I stretched and yawned and a long, loud sigh escaped my lips, and I snuggled into him. “Mmmmm, I liked sleeping next to you” I purred. Once again taking note of his heart beating in my ear. The evidence, well, among some other things, that made this real.

He leaned down and gave me a brief kiss, as his hand roamed across my breasts, where my nipples were yearning to be pinched and pulled. Then he put his mouth on my right nipple and sucked, while manipulating my left. They both hardened, and I there was an immediate tingle between my legs. I fidgeted, and he rolled towards me, clamping his thigh over my legs, so I couldn’t really move.

Stumble and Fall [mf][cons][rom][vanilla]

The sky begged to rain, but the blustered grey clouds stubbornly denied its release. I was digging in my bag for something, walking through the parking lot, when I heard footsteps behind me and the jangling of keys. I tried to move to my right to get farther out of the way, but I stumbled, and my bag hurled out of my grasp, spilling my keys and wallet on the asphalt, and I sprawled after, twisting my ankle.

A firm hand gripped my upper arm, helping me up, and then I heard the deep voice it belonged to, “Are you all right?” I looked up into the clearest, bluest eyes I had ever seen, viewing me with true concern. He knelt to gather my things, as I tested a few steps. I gasped, as I leaned on my right foot. Sprained, and the knees of my jeans were scuffed. I suspected I had a at least one good scrape, if not two.

“Ok?” he prodded. I guessed he was in his mid 30s, very tall and lean with broad shoulders, straight posture, and a ready smile. His slightly spiky brownish hair gleamed with gold highlights, and he wore a well trimmed mustache and beard. So, slightly scruffy, but neat.