Hey everyone, happy Friday! I would just like to thank everyone who ended up reading “the Atom Bomb”! All of your upvotes mean the world to me!

The idea for today’s story; a VERY enjoyable time in a hot tub, was based on an original concept from
u/RepulsiveAd2495, and it’s over twice as long as my last short story. So please, sit back, relax and enjoy yet another gassy blast to the past. Happy reading!

FETISH DISCLAIMERS: Farts, feet & masturbation.


The avocado green AMC Gremlin pulled up to the main building of the Cupid’s Notch Resort.

“Finally, we’re here”, said Tara Olsen. “Two-and-a-half hours behind the wheel is more than enough for me. That traffic was crazy! I’ve gotta get some rest before we can think of doing anything tonight.”

“Don’t be such a spaz Tara, you’ve gotta relax! We’re gonna have the time of our lives these next few days and I don’t want you ruining it! We might have dodged a huge bullet by leaving Cindy back in the city, but I don’t want you ruining it in her place.”