[F/M] A beautiful sunset in-between the enchanting beats of Tomorrowland

NOTE: I took my time to describe the context as good as possible. I'm sorry if this causes a slow start of the story. For those unfamiliar with the festival, these videos can help: link 1link 2. Anyway, writing this down almost made me relive it which was really great. I hope you can feel a bit of the magic I felt over there. Enjoy!

Rays of sun were peeking through the lovely ornaments of the highly decorated and iconic main stage while one of the first big DJ’s reached the climax of his set. Clouds of fog drifted slowly above the energetic crowd. It rained rose petals from the helicopters in the blue sky and there were bubbles everywhere. It was a wonderful sunset at Tomorrowland. We travelled hours to get here, paid way too much for these tickets. But it was worth it. It may sound cliché, but this really was PLUR: Peace, Love, Unity and Respect. And it was great.