Princess Slut. pt [Step-incest] [Rough sex] [Bukkake] [Anal]

All that Elizabeth had to do to leave castle was to blow two guards, who were standing at the door, they then would tell all the other guards, that the princess was free that day. And, you can imagine, the guards were sucked everyday. One day, she opened the door, sat on her knees and was prepared to give a blowjob, but quickly got up. ‘Father! I wasn’t expecting you’ she said. ‘I see, I see’ he proceeded in her room. She closed the door.

Princess Slut. pt 2 [MMFMM] [Gangbang] [Rough sex] [Bukkake]

She walked out of the pub, she chose to shortcut to the castle through a narrow street. When she was in the middle of the said street she heard steps, turned and saw a man approaching her. She walked backwards slowly and bumped into another man. ‘Why, hello there, Princess’ one said ‘Why are you walking here all alone? Do you need protection?’ ‘N-no, thank you’ her voice was trembling ‘I’m just passing through’. She understood what is about to happen, she tried to calm herself down, but it didn’t work. They wanted to rape her, for fuck’s sake! ‘Ya know, it’s pretty dangerous to be walking in this part o’town alone’ he grabbed her. ‘Let go!’ she cried ‘Don’t you like it? I thought you enjoyed things like this’. Another guy grabbed her breast. She heard loud steps. ‘There she is!’ it were the royal guards. ‘Help me!’ she cried before one of the rapists put a dirty rag in her mouth to shut her up. ‘Let her go!’ one of the guards shouted. Rapists bailed. The guard pulled the rag out of her mouth. ‘Thank you very much! I don’t what would’ve happened to me!’

Princess Slut. pt 1 [MF] [Rough sex]

It’s my first attempt at writing NSFW story, hope you like it! (Sorry for my typos or mistakes, English is my second language)

Princess Elizabeth wasn’t going to be a queen anyway, so when she learned about her disability, she went breaking bad. She did drugs, she drunk and she fucked. A lot. You could say that she was a whore, but she didn’t consider herself one.

One day, Elizabeth woke up and proceeded with her day. After breakfast she left the castle and went to a pub as she did everyday. ‘How are ya doin’, Liz?’ The bartender asked. ‘Good, but very fucking bored. One beer, please’ She responded. ‘One second, my lady’. When she got her beer she knew what she wanted. ‘Hey, John?’ She asked the bartender ‘Yes, Liz?’ he exhaled ‘Do need any help *in the back*?’. He got it right away. ‘Yes, there is a lota stuff needed to be sorted out and cleaned. Follow me’ so she did. When they got to the back of the pub she was already soaking wet and John’s dick could tear his pants open.