My manager makes me his prostitute (long)

My manager is a soon to be 23 year old and I am an 18 year old freshman in college. I’ve been working with him since I was 16 as a cashier. He’s always been very nice to the employees which is why I’ve stayed here for this long. Who knows if I’ll ever get another manager like that again. He’d give me and others the 100% discount in secrecy as long as it wasn’t anything that was too expensive or too much. But lately I’ve been noticing a change. He’s been doing more than just the discount, he’s been allowing me to have 5 more minutes on my break and is even letting me pick where I’m placed for the shift. I won’t lie, I like it, who wouldn’t but I can’t help but notice that this all started right after my last birthday. It may just be a coincidence and he’s doing this for the other younger employees too.

I have to admit, he’s cute. He’s a little shorter than me which is a quality I love in a man. I catch myself looking a little too long at him sometimes when he’s not looking. But overall he’s my manager and I am just a floor worker. It would be unprofessional to try to do anything, wouldn’t it?