The Egirl Next Door [MF]

I’d been watching her for weeks.

The day her family moved into the house next door, she’d removed the tattered old curtains from her bedroom window. From my sofa, I could see directly in. She’d put up some art prints, a couple of posters. But she’d never replaced the curtains.

She looked to be college-aged – petite and curvy, she was five foot nothing with jet black hair. The oldest daughter, I assumed. A couple of days after they moved in, around midnight, I saw the light come on in her room. I glanced over and my life changed.

She was stood at the window, taking pictures of herself. And she was completely naked. Her big, natural breasts pressed slightly against the glass. He waist close enough for me to see that she was completely shaven, with big puffy labia creating a delightful coinslot. She didn’t see me – that time.

For two weeks this was her ritual – standing naked in the window before bed, taking selfies. I’d come to take it for granted so much that it didn’t even occur to me that she might look in my direction.

While You Were Sleeping [MFM] Pt 3 [cum fetish] [swallowing] [facial][threesome][non-con]

Part 1: [](
Part 2: [](

Victoria brought her hand up and gripped the base of Patrick’s cock so she could take him in at her own pace; slowly sliding her lips up and down his shaft, her tongue working his glans. He started to breathe deeply, and began lightly fucking her face. Victoria was taken aback at first, but the feeling of being used was something she was enjoying enough to go along with it. .

She felt herself empty again, Joe’s cock disappearing out of her just as Patrick’s reached critical mass. She started to stroke harder, in time with Patrick’s thrusts, and felt his whole body shudder

She felt Patrick’s cock throb, starting at the base and moving down the shaft, pulsing against her lips and tongue. He said nothing, but grabbed Victoria’s head and pulled it towards him as the cum erupted from him, shooting down the back of her throat.

Victoria had no time to think and instinctively swallowed his load. But it kept coming, Patrick’s dick twitching and throbbing .She gasped for air, pushing him away as he continued to climax, cum spilling out of her mouth and down her cheek. He held his cock to her lips and she felt it again, hot and wet, covering her.

Categorized as Erotica

While You Were Sleeping [MFM] Pt 2 [cum fetish] [swallowing] [facial][threesome][non-con]

Part 1: [](

Shocked and thrilled in equal measure, Victoria let out a moan as she felt the subtle differences – in length, width, texture – of her second cock in as many minutes. Letting herself feel every inch of the shaft, focussing on the sensation of the head pushing up, over her g-spot. She was a fucktoy, a plaything. She felt filthy and alive. She tried to push back against her new partner but his cock was so long that it almost hurt her to take its entire length; aware of this, he was sliding gently and carefully into and out of her.

This new pleasure was a slow one: each thrust bringing Victoria closer to coming herself. Feeling each inch as it worked its way into her and back out, gripping the head with her lips whenever she felt it going too far.

She reached down and started to stroke her clit in time to feel the dick start to harden further inside her. She just needed one thing to tip her over the edge.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

The Accidental Threesome [FMF]


New Year’s Eve parties are always messy, and Andrew’s parties were messy no matter the reason. So Andrew’s annual NYE get together was a notoriously debauched affair. Since graduating from college he’d found himself a lucrative job in Canary Wharf – London’s Manhattan-wannabe Financial District – and took great pride in stocking his bar with high-end liquors, and the rest of his penthouse apartment with any substance you might possibly want.

Despite their differing paths in life, Andrew and his friends from school kept this date sacred. On this particular night, Andrew was wired on a combination of vodka red bull and ludicrously expensive cocaine provided by his investment banker friends. So by 3AM, the less chemically-enhanced had slunk off to the bedroom Andrew had insisted – loudly and frequently – he wouldn’t be needing.

Paul, Andrew’s best friend since they were 14, had politely declined the various bumps and lines he’d been offered all night and eventually found himself sitting on the sofa, slipping into a whisky coma while a venture capitalist called Oscar talked about the new app he was developing which was going to “disrupt the very industry of disruption itself”. Paul could think of a few things he’d like to disrupt, starting with Oscar’s unfeasibly square jaw. He made his excuses and headed for the bedroom.

Categorized as Erotica

First Blowjob

Rites of passage are funny things; by definition, almost everyone has them.

And they’re trivial – your first relationship, your first breakup, the first time you take a bold fashion risk which really doesn’t pay off. But they’re yours, and as such they feel unique. Like you’re feeling something that’s never been felt before, discovering a part of life hitherto uncharted. Entering a bold new world, similar to but fundamentally different from the one you lived in before.

That’s how it feels to receive your first blowjob.

And so it is Andi Ingram occupies a unique part of my memory from which she’ll never be usurped.

She was cute – mixed-race Latina, with big brown eyes, straight jet-black hair, and full lips which emphasised her huge smile. Curvy, with full breasts she didn’t show off but didn’t need to. She seemed nice, but we’d never really bonded – the first night we met, she’d hooked up with Danny and our interactions since then had been confined to brief conversations at parties, and certainly nothing flirtatious.

Three’s Company, Four’s Even Better [MFMF][Group]

By the final year of Sixth Form, Michael, Chloe, Laura and Paul were so spending so much time together that their other friends joked the four of them were basically a couple. Michael and Paul had been best friends since they were 15, but in the absence of any serious relationships they’d both found themselves in what were essentially monogamous platonic ones. So when both Chloe and Laura joined the boys’ college for their final year of exams at age 18, the three separate units simply merged.

They were an eclectic group: Michael was tall, athletic and good-looking; Paul equally tall but a chubby drama nerd. Actually, they were both drama nerds – that’s how they met – but Paul often felt Michael with his sport prowess was almost like a double-agent. Chloe, a shrinking violet throughout school who’d blossomed into a curvy English rose – pale skin, pretty eyes, breasts that were drawing attention she didn’t know how to handle, was a foil to Laura with her lean frame, almost flat chest and aggressive grasp of her own sexuality.

The four bonded over a love of rock music, and spent most weekends with each other in one of the small, safe, dull London commuter towns in which they all lived.

Using Him After The Party [MF] [Consensual] [sleep] [one night stand]

Becca roused slowly, consciousness washing over her body like an incoming tide. She opened one eye, but the room was so dark it may as well have been closed. Though the room had no curtains, its tiny window allowed in only a modest glow from the moon, the room a collection of silhouettes.

She could tell that she was lying on her side, on a carpeted floor From the breathing and snoring sounds, there were at least five other people in the room.

As Becca’s senses awakened, she realised she was curled up in the ‘little spoon’ position, someone taller providing a body for her to lean against, her head leaning into the crook of his arm, the two of them kept warm by a single quilt.

She tried to remember the end of the night.

Manisha’s birthday parties were always raucous affairs. People came and went night but a hard core always committed to the bitter end and slept wherever they fell.

Becca had spent much of the night talking to Robbie, a guy she’d started flirting with in order to get some weed, but whose charisma had kept her interested, drinking and smoking with him for so long she’d wound up completely wasted.

That’s Why They Call it “Ecstasy” [MFM] [Threesome]

Sarah is having the best night of her life.

It’s the start of the Summer and she and her friends Matt and Andy have decided to mark it in style: at the largest festival in the country. After graduating from University, they all have months of pent-up energy to release – and where better than the biggest, most otherworldly party possible?

For three years, the boys looked out for Sarah on nights out – protecting her from creepy guys and making sure she always got home safe. But bar a drunken kiss with Matt one night, the friends were just that – friends. And Sarah – with her striking green eyes, jet black hair, and hourglass figure – attracted more than her fair share of attention. Matt, six foot three, and Andy with the build of a rugby player (albeit an out of practice one). When they step in, the creeps disappear. She trusts them like brothers.

So when Andy had suggested they take MDMA together at the Festival, she didn’t hesitate. She’d always wanted to try it, and what better time than now?

You never forget your first blowjob [MF]

Names have *obviously* been changed – everything else is completely true.
Rites of passage are funny things; by definition, almost everyone has them. And they’re trivial – your first relationship, your first breakup, the first time you take a bold fashion risk which really doesn’t pay off. But they’re yours, and as such they feel unique. Like you’re feeling something that’s never been felt before, discovering a part of life hitherto uncharted. Entering a bold new world, similar to but fundamentally different from the one you lived in before. That’s how it feels to receive your first blowjob.
Melodramatic? Certainly. But for me, absolutely true. For various reasons – the timing, the setting, the fact it was completely unexpected. We haven’t spoken in person for well over a decade and only occasionally interact on social media, but Andi Ingram occupies a unique part of my memory from which she’ll never be usurped.
Andi was the on-off girlfriend of my friend Danny; by the end of our last year of school, as we all turned 18 and made plans to move on with life, they were mostly “off”. She was cute – mixed-race Latina, with big brown eyes, straight jet-black hair, and full lips which emphasised her huge smile. Curvy, with full breasts she didn’t show off but didn’t need to. She seemed nice, but we’d never really bonded – the first night we met, she’d hooked up with Danny and our interactions since then had been confined to brief conversations at parties, and certainly nothing flirtatious.
Not until Danny’s first party of the Summer, anyway. His dad was a commercial airline pilot which meant two things: he had a big house, and was barely there. So Danny’s place became the default party spot. That Saturday night was mostly business as usual – the liquor cabinet had been raided, I’d managed to score some weed and was suddenly the most popular guy in the garden. We were having fun.
As people started to head home or pass out, Andi and I found ourselves deep in conversation sharing what common sense dictated ought to be the last joint of the nigh. She and Danny were formally over and rather than mope, she was taking the opportunity to enjoy the party rather than being Danny’s shadow.
And she was hilarious! I was almost annoyed that she’d spent a year letting Danny – a good guy, but not the most interesting person in any room containing at least one other human – take the spotlight. We talked music, bitched about our friends, speculated on who might be hooking up with who, and laughed like the stoned idiots we were. As conversations and parties do, things reached their conclusion and we moved on, talking to other people, slowly watching the party fizzle out.
Despite being a large house, Danny’s place only had two bedrooms – his parents’ had been occupied by a couple early in the night and no-one dared disturb them. Danny had disappeared into his room with a girl and at least one other guy, so the living room and kitchen had become human obstacle courses. I’d planned to head home but was far too high to drive so I headed out to grab my sleeping bag from the car. When I returned, the party was officially over – I was the only vertical person in the house. I stood in the living room, looking for something – anything – to fall asleep on, when I heard a whisper.
“Over here! I found pillows!” It was Andi. “Well, pillow. But we can share.” There must have been eight other people in the room but she’d managed to make a space that I could fit into – albeit snugly. I slipped into my sleeping bag and did the awkward dance of trying to get undressed in what is essentially a polyester coffin. Andi laughed. She looked cute in an oversize tee and pyjama hot pants.
“Here,” she said, unzipping the sleeping bag so I could take off my jeans. “Don’t make life difficult for yourself. Besides – I don’t have a sheet so if you want some pillow, you’re going to have to trade.” She opened out the sleeping bag and turned it into a makeshift sheet, then pulled it over us both. We put our heads back on the pillow, and immediately realised it wasn’t big enough for two people. I jokingly pulled it away from her, she grabbed it back and hit me with it, and the next thing I know we were tickling each other.
Stifling giggles and play-wrestling, Andi’s body close to mine, her breasts pressing into my arm as her hands liberally attacked my torso, the inevitable happened and my cock started to harden. She pretended not to notice – for a minute – and continued to tickle me. As I started to roll my hips away, though, she started to ‘tickle’ my erect dick, running her fingers up and down the shaft, through my boxers.
I brought my hand up to her waist and with her free hand, she guided it to her breasts. I started to stroke her hardening nipple through her t-shirt, before sliding my hand inside her top and feeling the fullness of them in my hand. I shift my position so that I could bring my other hand to her inner thigh – she opened her legs as my hand moved up them, and I started to stroke her clit in a circular motion through her pyjamas. We teased each other through our clothes for what felt like an age – not quite committing to hooking up, just enjoying the novelty. Her, grinding her clit into the palm of my hand and quietly moaning, her fingers keeping a tight enough grip as they moved up my cock but then opening into a palm when she reached the head. It was unbearable and bliss at the same time.
Starting to lose control, I slid a finger into the gap between her thigh and her shorts and immediately felt how wet she was. She moved ever-so-slightly, and finger slipped inside her. She gasped with relief. I curled my fingertip up until I felt her g-spot and started to stroke it, as I felt her grip on my cock tighten.
The room was full of people and space was limited, so we were trying to keep our movements subtle and that only made things hotter. She pulled my cock out of my boxers, and gasped when she felt the ridge – I’m tightly circumcised, a rarity in the UK, and most girls at that point had no idea what to do. But Andi did.
She pushed me onto my back, put her head under the sleeping bag, and lowered her mouth to my cock. I was trembling – I couldn’t believe this was happening. She wrapped those beautiful lips around the head, ran her tongue over the tip…and then pulled away. I was in shock.
“Please…” I practically moaned, as she rested her head on my chest, looking into my eyes. I’ll never forget her smile – she knew she had me in the palm of her hand, absolute putty, and she was loving it.
“Too many people,” she explained. I wanted to accept it – there’s no way everyone in that room was asleep – but I think she wanted me to beg. “Please…”
“Please what?”
“Please put me in your mouth”
She seemed to consider this for a minute, and then her head started moving down my body. I lifted the sleeping bag so I could see as she looked up at me with those eyes, opened her gorgeous lips, and slowly took me into her mouth. As my cock was enveloped by the warmth of her mouth and what I now realise was the kind of expert technique that comes with someone who loves to suck cock, I felt like the entire world had stopped. I have no idea how long it lasted – but I remember every second of it. Her head bobbing as I ran my fingers through her hair, the thrill as she stopped briefly and ran her tongue around my head, teasing me, and the thrill – and fear – as I realised I was going to cum. But I was literally speechless, and could only sigh as I felt the orgasm ripple through my body, and into the welcoming warmth of Andi’s mouth.
I spasmed two or three times, and she kept her lips locked around me until she was sure I was done, then looked up at me and smiled the dirtiest, prettiest, most incredible smile.
Somehow, that was all that ever happened with Andi. We didn’t even speak about it until years later, when she expressed surprise – and pride – that she’d been my first. I never told her her pathetically grateful I was. I think she knew.

My first time eating pussy, her first orgasm [MF]

Debbie was a friend, nothing more. Despite the hormonal rollercoaster that is adolescence, we’d been friends for three years by the time we turned 18 and had never so much as kissed. She was cute, but I felt something more akin to a brotherly protectiveness over her.

One night, though, she set out to change that. Our friend’s parents were away, and we’d spent the night smoking cheap hash and listening to terrible nu-metal. We flirted as much as we always did, but nothing to suggest what was to come.

Gripped with a stoned urge to steal garden ornaments from a neighbour, Debbie and our friends disappeared into the night. I took the opportunity to bag the most comfortable sleeping spot – our friends parents bed – tossing a sleeping bag onto it and drifting off into a haze.

I awoke from my shallow, hash-induced sleep to find Debbie looking at me, a mischievous sparkle in her brown eyes. Had she always been this pretty? She’d climbed onto the bed with me, and pulled her body tight against mine under the single duvet.

“Do you think it’s possible to do things … just as friends?”