The (first) Time I [M] Was Invited To A Threesome

Annie (from [my last story]( invited me to the bars. When I arrived at her new apartment, she introduced me to her friends, Christa and someone else who I don’t remember. The three of them had already started pre-gaming and I after I had a couple drinks to catch up, we all climbed into my car and headed downtown. It must have been a break between terms or holiday weekend, because both her roommates were gone for the weekend.

Once we got to the bar and had our first round of drinks, we made our way to the dance floor. I sat on the sides, watching the girls shake their asses to the music until Christa came over and pulled me onto the floor. Annie was dancing with any random person who came close to her and didn’t seem to notice me much. Christa seemed pretty interested in me though, grinding up on my crotch and enjoying the music. I did end up dancing with the other girls, and one time when I wasn’t with Christa, some random guy came up to her on the dance floor and grabbed her ass. She freaked out, I intervened, and the offender was sent packing. She basically stuck to me the rest of the night.

I [M] Banged 3 Roommates [F,F,F].

I met Annie in a Pickleball class. That’s right, [Pickleball]( I had gotten into a bunch of drugs during my sophomore year and my grades reflected it, so to boost my GPA, I started taking a bunch of easy phys-ed classes that graded mostly on attendance/participation. That’s how I met a lot of hot girls in my junior and senior years of college. Annie was one of them.

Annie was on the bigger side, roughly [5’5”, 200lbs]( but still definitely pretty. We joked, flirted, and had a lot of feisty, competitive banter on the Pickleball court, but I didn’t really expect it to go anywhere. Not expecting anything made it easy. We just had fun and enjoyed our time together with no pressure, no expectations.

When the term ended, we still saw each other around campus and always said hi. Then one summer night, I bumped into her at a bar. We were both pretty drunk by the time we decided to walk the mile and change to her house. It must have been between 1 and 2 AM when we decided to stop in a park and lie down in the grass, looking at the stars. I leaned over and kissed her there, and after a little light making out, we were soon back on the way to her house. It was empty when we arrived, her roommates all gone, and after a few cups of water, we went back to making out.