First time casual sharing [MMF]

Hi everyone !

First of all, I’m not an english native speaker so bear with me as I’ll try my best to write my story :)

I won’t disclose any names as I don’t think this is necessary and I wanna stay anonymous.

The following happened 3 days ago. My GF [23F] and I [23M] were at a lil party with 3 of her friends [FMM] from school, around the same ages as us, all students like us as well. We were at one of her friend’s house.

It was a quiet, chillin party with some beers, etc., nothing crazy ! Just the casual night with friends, talking, laughing, listening to musics and stuff.

Around 11pm, 2 of her friends [FM] had to go as the day after they both were working as interns and couldn’t stay up too late (You know like a degree with a mix of Studies and Intership. That’s what I do as well!).

So both of them take off and there are just 3 of us left after. My GF, one of her guy friend and I !