Nursing School [MF]

This is completely fictional.

Nursing school

David couldn’t believe at 38 years old he was going back to college. Why would he do this to himself? He just knew he was gonna be the oldest in the class full of fresh out of high school girls who don’t want an old man as a friend or a classmate. He drove up the hill to the campus thinking to himself, he must be a masochist because only people who are into torture and pain would do something so ludicrous as going back to school this late in life. But, here he was, doing just that.

He pulled into the parking lot nearly 35 minutes early to class. He took a few moments to check his schedule and confirm his class time and the content they would cover today per the syllabus. He watched as a few of his soon to be peers made their way into the small parking lot. He was stressed about the upcoming trials that come with school in general. He had to do well. This had to be worth the trouble in the end. He knew it was going to be hard. But it had to be worth it. He wanted it badly. He should have done it years ago but he had been tied up with a family and kids that he couldn’t make the time before now. His kids were nearly grown now and they were more self reliant. They would be going to college in a few years.

An Unforgettable Ride part 2 [MF] [sweet sex]

It had been a few weeks since that fateful morning when Robert had seen Sadie orgasm on the bus. He thought about it pretty frequently. Mostly about how different it was to see her that way. He always sees Sadie as this shy little thing. He had taken Sadie out a few times since that morning’s coffee, and things were going well but it seemed they were at a standstill. He hadn’t even kissed her yet. Honestly he was nervous to even try it.

Robert was pretty confident that he was a decent looking guy. Average build, though he tried to work out a couple times a week. He had brown eyes and brown hair. He couldn’t really grow a beard without it coming out patchy, so he was always clean shaven. He was tall though, more than a couple inches over six foot. And girls seemed to like that. He usually didn’t have trouble getting women. But Sadie hadn’t made a move. She hadn’t touched him at all. And he was wondering if he had totally misread her.

An Interesting Ride [solo female/male watching] [public]

Rob didn’t have time to get off this morning. He was always rock hard when he woke up but he was running late for his 8 am psychology class. He needed a couple extra credits for his minor and “Abnormal psychology” sounded much more interesting than then it actually was. The class was almost completely about psychological disorders they had learned in every other class. But you get points for good attendance so here he was, about to get on the campus bus at 7:15 in the morning. He probably had time to grab a quick coffee from the cafe in the plaza.

The bus sat in the parking lot for about 15 minutes to catch all the students heading to campus at 7:30. And it would be back for 8:00. But he always tried to be there for the earlier bus.

He sat towards the back of the long vehicle and looked out the window. He saw Sadie pull into the parking lot. He had met her during their freshmen orientation class. Now, in their junior year of college, they had gotten pretty close. She was a psych major so they even had a few classes together. Including this abnormal psych class. He watched as she sat in her car for a moment. She looked.. anxious or something. He thought for a moment she was sick or crying. Her face was flushed. And she looked out of breath.

The Piano Room [MF] [18+TEEN]

Dedicated to a dear friend. He says he enjoys my smut, and though I don’t believe him, his encouragement is always keeping me going. I hope I can do the same for him when he needs it. This is what should have happened way back then.


Bryce threw his small backpack on the ground, between the wall and the electric piano stand. He was happy to be able to chill out for a few moments. No one else was in the classroom yet. It was lunch break so he had a while to goof off before the music teacher would be there, so he pulled out his phone to check to see if Kristy had messaged him.

“I’m gonna need you to pick me up before the game and then drive me to Tessa’s house after.” She said. He sighed. God she was a bitch. He had told her that he was staying after school today and riding the bus to and from the game. He had told her multiple times that he didn’t want to drive her.

“Sweetie I told you already I couldn’t tonight. I’m riding the bus with the boys” he texted back quickly.

The Slaughter House [MF] [BDSM themed] [Soft-ish Dom]

Not actual slaughterhouse. Just Halloween themed.

Amanda couldn’t believe what she was doing. She lathered you her legs for a final sweep with the razor. She was terrified and excited all at once, the mixed emotions causing her to feel slightly nauseous.
“It’s not like we’re strangers. We’ve talked for months” she mumbled to herself.
She finished quickly and stood up to get out of the now cool bath water. She toweled off and contemplated sending Zach a message telling him she was backing out. Deep down she wanted it though. And knew she did. So she got dressed and buried her nerves under a blanket of confidence. She wore her dark, straight hair down over her black hoody. Her jeans were snug on her slim build and thankfully showed her small curves.

The October air was chilly. And thank goodness because she needed to wear her rainbow toboggan. She needed something specific and easily visible. She and Zach had agreed that would be his item to look for. And they had also agreed on safewords and limits.

Hospital Lockdown Part 5 [MMF]

Lucy had worked for EMS and the Fire Department for about 7 years total, so she was used to rough days and even rougher nights.
The pandemic hasn’t been easy on anyone but it had been especially difficult for those in the medical or law enforcement field. Paramedics, Cops and medical personnel had been working so much overtime they rarely went home anymore.

She had been stationed at St Augustines since she was familiar with the area. Her and her partner were on day 3 of a three day shift. Ashley, her partner, was less than thrilled to be working such long hours. Lucy didn’t mind it though, she would rather be here than home alone. She had also heard that Matt and Alex would be finishing their patrol there today as well. And she was glad to have her best friends there during the apocalypse, as everyone was calling it.

Matt and Alex have been partners for a few years and were almost always working the same scenes as her crew. It was a small town so they had become quick friends. The boys were state troopers at a post on the edge of their county.

[MF] Hospital Lockdown Part 3

Gracie and Aaron.

Gracie couldn’t believe what had happened that morning. Aaron had fucked her on the counter. And she had loved it. They had been hot and fast. Afterwards he stayed around for some coffee and they chatted about the virus and the quarantine that seemed neverending. Aaron needed to go check in with the ER but promised to meet her that night.

Gracie has been to the Emergency Department a few times that day but her and Aaron were both busy with their respective work. They also seemed to have a mutual understanding that no one should know about their encounter. So they tried to remain as indifferent as they could. Gracie had met his eyes once as he was assessing a patient and she had come in to draw labs. The patient was complaining of chest discomfort, like bad acid reflux, and though he seemed okay and was coherent it’s better to be safe than sorry. Aaron asked her to run the patient’s troponin levels to check for any signs of heart muscle damage. He would add it to the order as soon as he could. She nodded her head and agreed. He winked and said “Thank you”. Before he ducked out of the room.

[MM] Hospital Lockdown Part 2 [long read]


Jay was doing his early morning rounds and noticed Gracie and Aaron coming out of the laboratory’s breakroom. They looked a bit disheveled. Gracie’s lips and neck were flushed and Aaron’s hair was stuck up in little cowlicks all over. They were grinning and hadn’t noticed Jay yet. He watched as Aaron lifted Gracies chin up to look him in the eyes, and he bent over to touch her lips with his.

Jay cleared his throat and they jumped apart like scared teenagers. Gracie wouldn’t meet his eyes, but was grinning. Aaron had the same shit eating grin on his face. “You two look extremely happy with yourselves” Jay said with a smile. He knew exactly what was going on but decided to let them have their fun. They were all about the same age, Gracie being the youngest at 26. Aaron had just had a birthday, he was 33. Jay fell in the middle at 28. He knew exactly how lonely it was during the pandemic. And he was happy for them to have found comfort in each other.

[MF] Hospital Lockdown [long read]

(This is my first time posting anything like this and I hope I did this correctly. Everyone and everything is fictional. Enjoy)

Gracie was sure Aaron hated her. He was always silent and never smiled. Especially not at her. He would leave quickly after she entered a patient’s room or the ER, where he was usually stationed. He hadn’t said more than 10 words to Gracie since she started at Saint Augustines. And today sure as hell wasn’t gonna help.

The patient was brought in by EMS. She had stopped breathing, she’d been tubed and it wasn’t looking good for a while. The woman was stable though, and they needed to get an IV and lab work quickly. Gracie brought her tray and was attempting to get the blood she needed to run labs. She was one of the best at her small hospital. She hadn’t been there long but she was confident in her abilities. She was always perky and polite and said the right things. She tried to stay out of everyone’s way as best she could. Which wasn’t that hard considering how small she was. Well at least height wise. She was definitely a curvy girl. Her scrubs were snug around her hips and chest reminding her that she needed to lay off the stress eating. She was barely 5’2 but her curly red hair made up a few inches.