Because of a text message

Andrew is a project manager. Busy white collar job, making decent money but quite stressful at times. He has been going through a dry spell due to lack of opportunities to going out and work keeping him around until late hours of the night due to some problems with the client. It is Friday morning, around 8AM, Andrew receives a text message on his phone. He checks and it is from an ex co-worker named Marissa, which he had “a thing” with in the past. Andrew is surprised by her text so he opens and it is saying: “Are you busy this morning?”.

He was but he decided to reply “Not really. Just bored at work. What’s up?” The thing is… Andrew has not heard from her for about 10 months. Back then, she said that she was seeing a guy and things were getting serious so she wanted to break it off. He was curious to know why she is reaching out after so long… She quickly responds back saying “Can you meet me at my place around 10 AM? But there is a catch…”

Short Story – How she cheated on him with me

She texted me last night after a couple years not contacting me. She said that she can’t forget my cock and she fantasize about me when she is fucking her soon to be husband. We live about 3 hours away. I haven’t responded that message…. That last message….

“I am sending my address. I will be alone this weekend as he is traveling with his buddies. I will be naked waiting for you on Saturday at 7pm. I want you to text me when you are parked in front of my place. Count to 60 and come into the door. Don’t knock. Don’t ring the bell. Just come in and take me. Don’t worry about niceties. Below is my address…”

Her message is playing over and over in my mind. In 2 days will be Saturday, and what the heck I will do? Will I help her cheat? But how couldn’t I not after she said that she fantasize about my dick while fucking her man. We haven’t fucked for 4 years and she still thinks about it… Just remembering how well I trained that whore and her holes….

Unusual day at the college

Today was interesting and I want to share my experience with you. It was just a basic day. Woke up early to get to class. Today I was going to have a long day teaching 7 classes in two different colleges. Teaching physiology, anatomy and other medical courses every day gets a little exhausting but pays the bills.

All classes usually are pretty intense in this big-time college, I work for. A lot of students are trying to get into medical schools to became MD, DO, DPT and other letters that we could make a soup of… Bright kids that understand the amount of debt they are getting themselves into to help others. First and second class go as planned. Nothing crazy happened. I was feeling tired and bored. I have been doing this for so long, always answering the same questions year after year. Because Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays were my long days, I was always dreading them. Looking forward to the other days of the week where I could have some time to do something fun, work out and have some me-time.