This true story takes place in the mid 1980’s in a northern English market town. It is my first post so please let me know what your thoughts are.
First off about me, average geeky 19 yr old teenager tall with average looks and an average sized packet; Mr average all round. Her, tall brunette, same age, on the chubby side but sexy as hell with big tits, we’ll call her Jen.
We met at college and had known one another for 3 or 4 months. Because we lived in the same suburb we would often catch the same bus together. I would always make sure that i walked her home before heading to my house.
As I say I was a typical geeky teen and more than a little nervous, shy and socially awkward around girls. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t bring myself to try it on with her, fear of being rejected was probably high on the list.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights were always huge party nights and going downtown to get hammered was the normal routine for most college students.