I bit the bullet and my best friends bottom lip last night! [FF]

So, my best friend(C) and her boyfriend (Y) bought a house, their first. My boyfriend and I helped them move a bit, but their housewarming was last night- we saw some friends we hadn’t seen in a long time, and caught up with each other, talking new jobs and recent holidays.

When we first met, maybe 4 years ago, C became my bestie immediately. I was a little shyer when we met, but I was in the process of coming out of my shell. She was already emerged, low walls and high energy. She’s shorter than I am, by at least half a head, slim but thicc, and, at the moment, is rocking long blonde hair. I have pics on my profile of me, but I have darker blonde hair, am about 5’8″, and have recently started going to the gym, however am a little pudgy around the belly. I have a nice butt though, that I can say honestly ๐Ÿ˜‚.

As besties do, we’ve spoken about our sexual encounters and told tall stories about previous partners, as well as what we’d still like to do. She’s spoken to me about how I would be her ultimate 3rd in a threesome, and although she’s pretty attractive, I never truly considered it bc like, Ive never been with a girl, and when would that opportunity even arise? Safe to say though, she’s into me.