Two Strangers Locked In Bathroom Find Love and Have Sex [PART 4]

**Chapter 8**

The sun had set and it was getting dark outside. The bathroom light was our only source of brightness at this point. I told Queen that I would go to sleep now as my routine has me sleeping at sunset and waking up at sunrise. I said that and then used my shirt that I had taken off as a pillow and lay down on the floor. In reality, I wasn’t really much tiered much, I just wanted to let Queen relax a little knowing that I was asleep.

Queen looked down at me as I slept. She wanted to be sure that I was totally asleep. As I lay on the floor with my shirt off and the top half of my body naked Queen examined my body. She looked at my chest, my abdomen, and the muscles of my arms. She then looked down at my lower half where I had jeans. Queen found herself imagining me without pants.

Categorized as Erotica

Two Strangers [M23/F35] Locked In Bathroom Find Love and Have Sex [PART 2] [FOREPLAY] [NUDITY]

**Chapter 5**

As Queen stood up after cleaning herself and went to the sink to wash her hands her mind was rushing. On one hand, she had done something unspeakable, something her husband could never forgive. She had locked eyes with another man while urinating yet on the other hand she didn’t feel any different at all. She hasn’t hurt in any way. What difference did it make if this man looked into her eyes while she peed? She looked at me while washing her hands. A man she barely know yet had seen her in one of her most private moments.

2 hours had probably passed by this point. It was another hour until the electrician would arrive. As I looked at her from the side angle while she was washing her hands I was getting second thoughts about escaping. From the side, her breasts and buttocks bulged like camel humps on her body. I knew I can get so much more out of this if I get the time. I was fine being locked with this beauty. But I had to get her on my side otherwise it is all pointless.

Two Strangers Locked In Bathroom Find Love and Have Sex [PART 2]

**Chapter 5**

As Queen stood up after cleaning herself and went to the sink to wash her hands her mind was rushing. On one hand, she had done something unspeakable, something her husband could never forgive. She had locked eyes with another man while urinating yet on the other hand she didn’t feel any different at all. She hasn’t hurt in any way. What difference did it make if this man looked into her eyes while she peed? She looked at me while washing her hands. A man she barely know yet had seen her in one of her most private moments.

2 hours had probably passed by this point. It was another hour until the electrician would arrive. As I looked at her from the side angle while she was washing her hands I was getting second thoughts about escaping. From the side, her breasts and buttocks bulged like camel humps on her body. I knew I can get so much more out of this if I get the time. I was fine being locked with this beauty. But I had to get her on my side otherwise it is all pointless.

Categorized as Erotica

Two Strangers [M23/F35] Locked In Bathroom Find Love and Have Sex [PART 1] [FOREPLAY]


Queen was 35 years old. She had been married for 10 years at this point. Her husband made a decent living, enough to buy a very lavish luxurious apartment for her and their two children. Her younger son was 5 and her older son was 7. Queen spent much of her day at home cooking and cleaning. She was loyal to her husband and caring towards her children. For her, she had a perfect life. She was a shy woman and never much of a social person so having a small family to look after without going out much was the ideal life for her. She came from a conservative background, and even her husband was very conservative. Queen genuinely felt intimidated around other men and preferred to be beside he husband however on instances where she had to go out to get work done she would wear her burqa and go out to run errands. She didn’t like doing outdoor chores like buying fruits, and groceries or going to the tailor. She preferred to stay at home where she had the air conditioner. Wearing a big burqa outside in the hot sun made her comfortable because the heat plus the multiple layers of clothing on her body made her feel hot and as a result, she would sweat profusely underneath. The feeling to heat on her skin and eyes and the feeling of wet sweaty clothes made for a horrible experience so she preferred not to go out much. She preferred cool air such as from her home of Pindi, Karachi’s hot weather was not suited for her and she hated nothing more than being hot. It didn’t help that her clothes would stink badly and she would have to clean them and get a shower after coming home.

Two Strangers Locked In Bathroom Find Love and Have Sex [PART 2]

**Chapter 3:**

“What just happened,” Queen said in a panicked voice. I could see her light brown eyes through the slit in the Burqa wide open.

“We seem to have gotten locked in” I responded calmly. I saw her panicking and walking left and right saying “NO NO NO THIS CANT HAPPEN”

I told her not to worry as when her husband comes he can open the door from the outside. She looked at me and told me that he has left the city and her children won’t come home until Monday. I asked her “You mean we are stuck here til Monday ?” To which she didn’t respond and kept walking in her panic.

“The Electrician !” she said “When he comes we can get out”. Then her eyes suddenly fell as if she realized something “but he will be here in 3 hours”.

“Looks like we are trapped here for 3 hours,” I remarked.

We both sat down in a corner on the floor not knowing what else to do.

Categorized as Erotica

Two Strangers Locked In Bathroom Find Love and Have Sex [PART 1]


Queen was 35 years old. She had been married for 10 years at this point. Her husband made a decent living, enough to buy a very lavish luxurious apartment for her and their two children. Her younger son was 5 and her older son was 7. Queen spent much of her day at home cooking and cleaning. She was loyal to her husband and caring towards her children. For her, she had a perfect life. She was a shy woman and never much of a social person so having a small family to look after without going out much was the ideal life for her. She came from a conservative background, and even her husband was very conservative. Queen genuinely felt intimidated around other men and preferred to be beside he husband however on instances where she had to go out to get work done she would wear her burqa and go out to run errands. She didn’t like doing outdoor chores like buying fruits, and groceries or going to the tailor. She preferred to stay at home where she had the air conditioner. Wearing a big burqa outside in the hot sun made her comfortable because the heat plus the multiple layers of clothing on her body made her feel hot and as a result, she would sweat profusely underneath. The feeling to heat on her skin and eyes and the feeling of wet sweaty clothes made for a horrible experience so she preferred not to go out much. She preferred cool air such as from her home of Pindi, Karachi’s hot weather was not suited for her and she hated nothing more than being hot. It didn’t help that her clothes would stink badly and she would have to clean them and get a shower after coming home.

Categorized as Erotica