Exposed Summer, Part 2: Sex On The Beach [mf][BDSM][Mdom][Exhibitionism]

*Read part one [here](*

**Part 2**

I watched Sara’s young body trot it’s way out of the bedroom and into the adjacent shower. Shortly after the sound of running water filled the hypnotic silence and I got up and went to the shower as well.

The tiled room was well lit and now full of thick steam clouds. Somewhere in this fog Sara’s tiny naked body was lurking. Faced towards the shower, only her wet hair and the back of her shoulders were peaking over the steam. I watched the thousands of tiny water droplets crash against her hot skin, bounce off her body, roll down her smooth curves. Her eyes were closed, her muscles relaxed, her head was leaning back. It felt as if she is having a very intimate moment while just standing there, letting the soft touch of the water explore her. She could make something as mundane as taking a shower feel sexy.

I stepped forward as if to steal a moment of her intimacy with the shower, I placed my hands on her waist and planted a soft kiss on her neck. Naturally I got hard again watching her so it was pressing against her butt as well. She purred in response, spun around and dropped to her knees. I grabbed her and pulled her back up to her feet.

Exposed Summer [mf][Mdom][light exhibitionism]

It’s a small seaside town. The type that is usually dead in the winter but is buzzing with life during the summer. It’s August and it is the busiest month. The hottest month and the last before the long winter lethargy. The small town is packed with young people from Europe and from the country, everyone looking for a vacation of sunbathing, parties, cheap alcohol and hook-ups.

We were renting an Airbnb. It was atop a 4 story building on the main street. It wasn’t a tall building but it was the tallest in the neighbourhood. A nice but cold and soulless looking place, more resembling a hotel room rather than a living space that someone rents out. The balcony was above the main road of the town and was the route of many people to the beach. So a lot of car and foot traffic was going under us. And between the next row of buildings you can see the blue sea, crashing its waves in the distance and meeting the sky deep on the horizon, as far as your eye could see.

[f] Your dress.

You live just a hallway apart from me. We share the house.

Every night I watch you walk to the kitchen in a summer dress, lightly hanging from your thin shoulders, ending just above your knees. I watch it flow around your waist, swinging with each turn and twist. Your walk, like a graceful cat, along the sunset-lit floorboards. Your long legs, ending somewhere far above that light sundress, leave me restless at night.

Tonight you came over to my room. A movie we watched on the floor. Only you didn’t know you were in the cast too. The orange summer sunset was spilling it’s rays through the window, beautifully outlining your face. The last sun rays turned into a rich pink color, reflected off a distant window to purposely caress your lips. I couldn’t keep my eyes off you.

Darkness enveloped you, as credits rolled. You got up form the floor, leaning forward, giving me just a glimpse of your chest, as deep as your bra, but nothing beyond. Perfectly white creamy skin, sprinkled with a few freckles, laid upon you by the early summer sun. Skin, as if magnetized, attracting my hands, my eyes, my thoughts.