[M]y weird old neighbor had me do a personal [F]avor for her.

Everyone has had some interactions with people who have autism. A few years ago I had an older neighbor who lived alone and after breaking her arm, was unable to do lawn maintenance. I was a nice guy and mowed her small lawn while I was doing my own. She didn’t even ask, I just noticed it was higher than she normally let it grow and had seen the cast on her arm.

The 2nd week of mowing her lawn, she came out with a glass of lemonade and thanked me for doing this for her. She told me that she was too shy to ask anyone for help. I happily accepted the refreshment and honestly told her that I didn’t mind mowing her lawn since it wasn’t that much more than my own and I needed the exercise. She offered to pay me but knowing that she was most likely on a fixed income, I declined and told her I was happy to do it for as long as she needed it taken care of.

I[M] messed up by telling my wife[F] how often I was cumming.

For the first few years that we were together she seemed to really love to 69. We did it at least every other time we did anything and that was often multiple times a day. She apparently didn’t have much experience being pleasured and really would moan and get into it without much thought for what she was doing to me. She would moan when it felt good. I would moan when I was cumming. We were both moaning all the time and things were great until I tried keeping track of how many times I was cumming. A casual remark about how I think she was getting me off more than anyone else with her tongue swirling and focus on the head I was sometimes caught in a cum loop where I would just go off over and over with less than 30 seconds between them.

She started puking at the thought of how much cum she must be swallowing. The next time was several days later and sure enough she starts gagging within just a few minutes. It wasn’t the taste or anything other then her thinking about it but it forever changed how we interacted. Now I have to pretend I don’t cum in her mouth at all, even when she is hoovering me like a fiend. The first hint she gets that I might be close to cumming and its over for the day at the very least.

I [M] felt obligated to prove my lack of refractory period to random internet stranger [F]

I’ve posted occasionally and responded to the posts of others and it usually doesn’t go very far. One time however I had been messaging back and forth with another Reddit user for several days and had revealed my lack of a refractory period. I had never had one and honestly thought it wasn’t real. I would always masturbate before a date or other close interaction with girls that I find attractive to minimize the chance of random boners popping up. My teenage awkward years never left me even decades later I’ve never had to worry about getting it up even when I don’t really want it to happen.

This person was upset over a previous date of hers not being able to perform in the bedroom on their first meeting and she was blamed as the reason for their lack of enthusiasm. It had turned her off to dating ever since and she was convinced that she would never find someone who could find her attractive enough to become excited. When I told her that some people had to get themselves off right before dates just to avoid the tenting of pants that can occur, she sent a pic of herself and said she had the cure to boners with her ugly face. Her face was anything but ugly and eventually I was able to convince her to try dating again.